JiangsuThe results of the investigation team of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and the Municipal Government reported the results of the investigation and processing of the Japanese war criminal tablets of the Xuanzang Temple, and announced the identity of the seasons of the tablet.Several officials of the Civil Affairs Bureau dealt with.

Nanjing official Sunday (July 24) on the "Nanjing Release" incident investigation and report on the new media platform of the Nanjing Municipal Party Committee and Municipal Government.Born in September 1990, his university degree, he has no name. He lived in Jinjiang, Fujian since he was a child. He moved to Nanjing in 2000 to live with his parents.In September 2019, he resigned and went to a temple of a temple in Wutai Mountain. On July 22, 2022, he was investigated by the Nanjing Public Security Organ.

He lived in Jinjiang, Fujian since he was a childIn 2000, he moved to Nanjing to live with his parents. He went to a medical school in Beijing in 2009, entered a hospital in Nanjing in 2013 to engage in nursing work.(Screenshot of Nanjing Radio and Television WeChat public account video)

Notification, Wu A Ping claimed that after she came to NanjingAfter a psychological shadow, he was entangled by nightmares for a long time; after contacting Buddhism, he created the idea of worshiping five Japanese war criminals to relieve the grievances and escaped the suffering.

Wu A Ping requested six tablets at Xuanzang Temple in Nanjing in 2017, including the five Japanese war criminals above the above -mentioned five Japanese invaders, and the American missionary Hua Qun (Mingni ·Weitlin) tablet.Five war criminals participating in the Nanjing Massacre or during the Nanjing Massacre were Matsui Ishigen, Gu Shoufu, Noda, Tanaka Kyoshi, and Xiangjing Minming.

As for why Wu Aiping also worshiped Weitlin's tablet, Wu A Ping said that she learned that Weitlin's good deeds during the Nanjing Massacre.He committed suicide at home and wanted to liberate Weitelin by worshiping.

The public security organs found that since March 2017, Wu Aiping has visited the hospital three times due to the symptoms of insomnia and anxiety, and took sedative hypnotic drugs.

On December 18, 2017, Wu Aiping went to Xuanzang Temple to ask for a dedicated tablet, and filled in the registration form "Matsui Ishigen, Gu Shoufu, Noda Yisu, Tanaka Junji, Xiang Jingming, Huaqun, Huaqun, Huaqun"Six people names.Xuanzang Temple as a monk Ling Song asked whether the seaside was her relative or friend, and Wu Aiping lied to be a friend.

Ling Song issued a receipt, indicating the dedication time "2018-2022", and then wrote the name of the six -person name and "Wu A Ping" on the yellow card seat paper, and the seal was placed.Later in the Tibetan Hall.

On February 26, 2022, a woman went to the Tibetan Temple of Xuanzang Temple to find the tablet she was worshiped. The monks Qing Xuan and Lu Xuan helped to find it.War criminal tablet, a tourist took a picture.Qing Xuan immediately withdrawn five Japanese war criminals, and informed the abbot faxing the matter that night. The fax requesting that it was strictly forbidden to spread it. Since then, he has not reported to the competent department.Postering tourists posted photos to social platforms on July 21, and were reposted a lot.

After investigation, the public security organs determined that Wu A Ping was worshiped by the Japanese war criminal tablet to invade the Chinese army.

Reporting that, out of the motives of the wrong cognition of cause and effect and selfishness, Wu Aiping still contributed toThe place of religious activities sets the tablet, which seriously violates the doctrines of Buddhism and punish evil, seriously damage the public order, seriously hurts national feelings, and has caused bad social impact. Suspected crime of provoking trouble has been criminally detained by the public security organs.

The report also said that after the incident, the religious affairs management department of Nanjing City conducted an investigation and treatment of Xuanzang Temple.Xuanzang Temple did not verify the identity of the worshipers, and found that after being worshiped by the Japanese war criminal tablet, although it had been withdrawn, it had been concealed.

The Minzong Bureau of Xuanwu District of Nanjing has ordered the Xuanzang Temple to rectify, and the post of the main person in charge of Xuanzang Temple has been replaced;

The Nanjing Municipal Party Committee of the Communist Party of China, Xuanwu District Party Committee and Discipline Inspection and Supervision Organs have also dealt with the relevant responsible persons: the party secretary of the party group and director of the Citizenship Bureau, Su YuhongJi Qin gives up to the party and gives serious warning punishments in the party.The Director of the Policies and Regulations Division of the Acting Bureau (Administrative Approval Service Office) Hou Naijuan gave a warning to the party in the party, and Hu Yuanyuan, the director of Xuanwu District's Minzong Bureau, was removed from office, and a serious warning of the party was given to the party.Give a serious warning punishment within the party, and give a warning to the Government of the Civil Sects of the Xuanwu District Civil Sergeant Bureau, and given a warning to the party in the party in Xuanwumen Street, the united front of Xuanwumen Street, Xuanwu District.

The notification stated that the incident of worshiping the Japanese war criminals in the venue of religious activities, seriously impacting the bottom line of social morality, and seriously hurting national feelings. Netizens and citizens in time found out that the problems were fully reflected in the strong patriotic emotions and right.Nanjing's care and care.

The notification will finally emphasize, will deeply alert and reflect, learn lessons, comprehensively rectify, prevent similar problems, and will resolutely punish them in accordance with the law for provoking historical conclusions and challenging national righteousness.Essence