The Director of the Hong Kong Transport and Logistics Bureau Lin Shixiong led a group to visit Germany and Greece to promote the advantages of the Hong Kong International Shipping Center.

According to the Hong Kong Government News Network, Lin Shixiong led a group to visit Germany and Athens, Greece in one Sunday (September 1).

According to the Hong Kong government communiqué, Lin Shixiong and the delegation conducted a three -day visit on Monday (September 2) on Monday (September 2) local time.

Lin Shixiong delivered a keynote speech at a symposium on Tuesday (September 3) to introduce the latest situation of Hong Kong's sea transportation industry to the international maritime industry that Hong Kong's maritime industry has always been known for its efficiency and connection.Essence"We have high customs clearance efficiency and free international liberal ports. There are more than 300 container trains connecting nearly 500 destinations worldwide every week. As a world -class economy mainly based on service industries, the development of the maritime industry in Hong Kong is veryFilling, more than 1,100 companies provide services related to shipping and maritime affairs. "

He pointed out that Hong Kong also used the unique institutional advantages under the "one country, two systems" to play a springboard for enterprises to enter the Chinese market.The above -mentioned comprehensive strength to promote Hong Kong's maritime industry, make Hong Kong a 2024 Xinhua Baltic Sea: The International Shipping Center Development Index Report in the world is the fourth shipping center in the world.

Participated in the 2024 Hamburg Ship Maritime Exhibition is one of the focus of this foreign visit.And 2,000 exhibitors.

Lin Shixiong hosted the exchange luncheon on Wednesday (September 4), inviting representatives of about 20 German shipping companies and institutions to attend to establish closer connections and develop more business opportunities.

Lin Shixiong and the delegation have ended the Hamburg visit, and arrived at Athens on Thursday (September 5th) local time.