According to the website of the Ministry of Education, on September 3, the Department of Personnel of the Ministry of Education announced the appointment and removal of the party group of the Ministry of Education at Shaanxi Normal University. Comrade Li Xiaobing was the secretary of the Party Committee of Shaanxi Normal University, and Comrade Li Zhongjun no longer held the position.

Li Xiaobing Data Map

Shaanxi Normal University is located in Xi'an in the ancient capital. It is a national key university directly under the Ministry of Education. In 2005, he was selected as the National "211 Project" construction university in 2005.

Li Xiaobing was born in December 1967 and graduated from the Department of Natural Geography of the Department of Resources and Environmental Sciences of Beijing Normal University in 1997. He obtained a doctorate degree in Science and was mainly engaged in the teaching and research of global changes and land ecosystems.

He was the dean of the School of Resources of Beijing Normal University and the Minister of the Organization Department of the Party Committee. In August 2015, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Beijing Normal University.History school history.

Li Zhongjun, the party secretary of the Shaanxi Normal University (born in November 1968, is a doctorate in law), has been the party secretary of the Northeast Normal University in May this year.