It is reported that China is considering allowing homeowners to re -financing mortgage loans, but Wang Liang, president of China Merchants Bank, said that the bank has not yet received relevant notices and comments on the mortgage business.He also pointed out that if this measure is implemented, it will have a certain negative impact on the bank industry's stock mortgage rate.

Comprehensive Finance News Agency and Shanghai Securities News · China Securities Network reported that Wang Liang (September 2) said at the mid -term performance exchange meeting of China Merchants BankIt has a certain negative impact on the bank industry's stock mortgage interest rate.The best loan.According to the semi -annual report of China Merchants Bank in 2024, as of the end of June, the scale of mortgage loans of China Merchants Bank's personal housing mortgage was approximately 1.37 trillion yuan (RMB, $ 25 billion), accounting for 20.38%of the bank's loan and 0.4%.

Bloomberg quoted people familiar with the matter on Friday (August 30) that China is considering further reduction in the interest rate of the stock mortgage, allowing up to 5.4 trillion US dollars (S $ 7 trillion) of stock loans to seek a mortgage mortgage, To reduce the burden on residents' debt and boost consumption.

According to the relevant plan, the stock mortgage customers can re -negotiate the housing loan interest rate with the bank before January, because banks usually adjust their interest rates in January.

People familiar with the matter said that customers can also transfer existing mortgage loans directly to other banks and sign contracts according to the latest interest rates. This will be the first time that China has allowed mortgage operations since the global financial crisis.