According to the news of the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection on September 1: With the approval of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee, the Guizhou Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection and Supervisory Committee Pi GuihuaiThe serious violations of discipline and law were conducted for investigation and investigation.

Pi Guihuai

After investigation, Pi Gui lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, engaged in political speculation, attempts to interfere with the central ecological environmental protection inspection work, and consciously conspired to confront the organization review;Moutai wine is for individual use; violates the principles of organizational principles, does not report personal matters in accordance with regulations, and seek benefits for others in the work of cadres' selection and appointment, employee recruitment, etc.;Shares, use power to subscribe for bonds for relatives, absorb deposits to obtain benefits, engage in rights and money transactions; violate the discipline of life; lose the bottom line of discipline and law, alien public power into a tool for seeking private interestFor other people's benefits in project contracting and promotion, and illegally receive huge amounts of property.

Pi Gui Huai seriously violates the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline and life discipline, constitutes serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.His bad, should be dealt with seriously.According to the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China, the People's Republic of China Public Officer Government Affairs Law was discussed in accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision of the People's Republic of China.The central government approved that Pi Guihuai was expelled from the party; the Guizhou Provincial Supervision Commission was given a public office;The agency reviewed and prosecuted, and the property involved was transferred.The fifth plenary session of the 13th session of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee has been given to the fifth plenary session of the party membership.

The official resume shows that Pi Guihuai was born in March 1972. He worked in Qingzhen City Station Street Town and Hongfeng Lake Town in Qingzhen City Station in Guiyang.

In October 1996, Pi Guihuai was borrowed to work at the Organization Department of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee.Beginning in January 1997, he officially served as the Organization Department of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee. He used to be the deputy director of the three cadres of the Guizhou Provincial Party Committee Organization Department, five deputy deputy director, five deputy director, and three directors.

In November 2011, Pi Gui Huai was transferred to the members of the Tongren Di Committee and the Minister of the Organization Department.

In January 2021, Pi Gui Huai served as Deputy Secretary of the Tongren Municipal Party Committee.

On January 28, 2023, the Guizhou Provincial People's Government decided that Pi Guihuai served as Deputy Director of the Guizhou Investment Promotion Bureau.

In less than 2 months, the news on March 17, 2023, Pi Gui was investigated.