Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Guangyao Pharmaceutical Group), the largest state -owned pharmaceutical company in South China.

After the official announcement of Li Chuyuan, the former chairman of Guangyao Group, Li Chuyuan was investigated. On the evening of September 1, the listed company of Guangyao Group Baiyun Mountain (600332.SH; 00874.HK) once again disclosed the announcement that he had received a resignation report from Zhang Chunbo, the company's director Zhang Chunbo. "Due to personal reasons", Zhang Chunbo resigned as a director of the company and no longer held any position of the company.

First Financial reporter confirmed from multiple independent information sources that Zhang Chunbo has also been taken away by relevant departments."Last Thursday, the members of the group's leadership team were meeting together, and then came in several staff members to take him away on the spot." A core informed person in Guangyao Group told the First Financial reporter.

On the morning of September 2nd, Baiyunshan's A -share price continued to decline. As of press time, it fell 2.74%, and the total market value of A shares reached 45.522 billion yuan.

"Shao Zhuang School" executives are investigated

Different from the age of senior executives such as Li Chuyuan, Zhang Chunbo is the "Shao Zhuang" executives among the leaders of the Guangzhou Pharmaceutical Group. Most employees are regarded as the company's future "star" of tomorrow.

"47 years old, EMBA, Zheng Senior Economist (Technology Entrepreneur), Pharmacist Title, Model of Labor National Work." This is the introduction of Baiyunshan's 2023 report to disclose Zhang Chunbo's resume.

"He (Zhang Chunbo) is the youngest vice president (manager) of the group (party committee), and is also born in pharmacy. In terms of sales and corporate operations, work experience is also very rich. It is indeed the Guangye Group's' (Tomorrow) Star '"" "" "The above -known person said.

In November 2020, Zhang Chunbo was awarded the title of "National Model".According to the press release of Guangyao Group at that time, only 6 of the "National Modeling" of Guangyao Group. Zhang Chunbo, who was born in 1976, "grew from front -line sales staff to the person in charge of the enterprise and became a pharmaceutical time -honored revitalization.Young managed cadres who have made outstanding contributions with innovation and development.

此前,张春波在接受媒体采访时称,他通过本科在中国药科大学、MBA在中山大学读书的经历,获得了药学、Marketing and management system knowledge architecture and thinking construction, and rigorous learning attitude.In addition, he also has the habit of maintaining continuous learning, such as paying attention to news, cultivating hobbies and information mastery in certain fields, keeping high attention to industry information, keeping curiosity and enthusiasm for social hotspots and new things.

Public resume shows that Zhang Chunbo has successively served as deputy manager of the second area of ​​Baiyun Mountain Hutchison Whampoa Traditional Chinese Medicine Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Baiyun Mountain and Huang).Assistant to the Sales Department Manager, Executive Deputy Manager of the Management Department, Manager of Sales Department, Deputy Director of Marketing, Deputy General Manager, Executive Deputy General Manager, General Manager, Chairman of Chairman of Baiyunshan Zhongzhong Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as Zhongyi Pharmaceutical Industry), Guangzhou Baiyunshan Qixing Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as: Qixing Pharmaceutical) general manager and chairman.Since January 2015, Zhang Chunbo has been the deputy general manager of Bai Yunshan, and has been a director of Bai Yunshan since June 28, 2019.

Zhang Chunbo's responsible Zhongyi Pharmaceutical is also the core enterprise of Baiyunshan.According to the official website of China Yizhong Pharmaceuticals, the company is a "old -fashioned Chinese" enterprise. It has two well -known trademarks of "Baiyun Mountain" and "Zhongyi".Services, etc.In 2021, the company's output value exceeded 1.2 billion yuan, and its profit tax exceeded 300 million yuan.

One of the pharmaceutical industries has nearly 140 varieties and 21 exclusive varieties. The main products are thirsty pills the first brand of oral hypoglycemic drugs in the country, and Zi Shen Yuyuan PillThe leading brand of fetal drug markets and the national sales of Agai Niuhuang Pills in the same product market is in a leading position. All three varieties are large Chinese medicine varieties with sales of over 100 million yuan.

"Zhongyi Pharmaceutical is the flagship enterprise of Guangyao Group. It is both old name, and the scale and variety are very good, so he is still (strong), but he did not expect such a thing." The above -known person said.

"(this incident) has a relatively large impact on the company, and now the information related to Zhang Chunbo related to Zhang Chunbo has been removed." The above -mentioned insider said.

There are intersections with Li Chuyuan's resume

Someone who had had contact with Zhang Chunbo before that Zhang Chunbo's employment experience started from the front line of marketing. It will develop to this day through continuous training and learning to this day.

Bai Yunshan announced that Zhang Chunbo joined the work in 2000.The starting point of the work is the Guangzhou Baiyunshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Factory of Li Chuyuan as the director of the factory.

According to Bai Yunshan announcement, Zhang Chunbo was a member of the marketing department and OTC manager of Guangzhou Baiyunshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Factory, and the deputy manager of the second area of ​​Baiyunshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Plant in Guangzhou.In 2004, Baiyunshan A (Returned the market) of the all -funded branch of the all -funded branch of Guangzhou Baiyunshan Traditional Chinese Medicine Factory contributed, Hong Kong and Huangye Industry invested at 100 million yuan.Baiyun Mountain and Huang.

According to the Bai Yunshan announcement, after the establishment of the new joint venture company Bai Yunshan and HuangAssistant, Executive Deputy Manager of the Management Department, Manager of Sales Department, and Deputy Director of Marketing.

From 2011 to 2014, Zhang Chunbo served as deputy general manager, executive deputy general manager, general manager, and chairman of Zhongyi Pharmaceutical.In July 2013, Li Chuyuan served as chairman and secretary of the party committee.

On January 12, 2015, Bai Yunshan issued an announcement that Zhang Chunbo officially performed his duties as executives of listed companies.On the same day, Li Chuyuan, the chairman of the company, presided over the board of directors. The meeting was reviewed and approved by the full vote of the company. He agreed to appoint Zhang Chunbo and other deputy general manager of the company.Zhang Chunbo's resume at that time showed that at the age of 38, he was the chief and general manager of China Pharmaceutical, chairman and general manager of Qixing Pharmaceutical.

In August 2021, due to work transfer, Zhang Chunbo resigned as Deputy General Manager Bai Yunshan, and continued to retain the executive director of listed companies after resignation.From August to December 2021, the salary was received from the company's controlling shareholder.

Baiyunshan reported in 2021 that Zhang Chunbo was already a member and deputy general manager of Guangyao Group.