The safety accidents of Chinese new energy vehicles are frequent, and Zeng Yuqun, chairman of the Ningde Times of the vehicle battery factory, bluntly stated on Sunday (September 1) that the safety factor of most batteries on the current market is far from enough.

Comprehensive daily economic news and surging news reports, Zeng Yuqun said in the 2024 World Power Battery Conference in Yibin, Sichuan, saying that many battery products claim to have a safety loss efficiency of only one millionth, but the actual safety failure efficiencyIt is a level or even one thousandths.

Zeng Yuqun quoted CCTV reports that the incidence of fire in 2023 new energy vehicles was about 0.96.At present, the number of battles loaded in 25 million new energy vehicles across the country has reached billions of.This absolute value is multiplied by the above security loss efficiency, "safety risks can be imagined."

"The security problem is not resolved, and the consequences will be disastrous." Zeng Yuqun said that he hoped that the industry would put competition aside and put the vital interests of consumers, especially the safety of everyone's safety.; Together to improve security standards and establish an absolute security standard red line.

Zeng Yuqun added, "reliable" is the competitiveness of the power battery industry.Only by high reliability can users be guaranteed and developed in the industry.The current industry is different, and many products are "inconsistent", and the true reliability of the product is very different from the reliability of nominal nominal nominal.

He hopes that under the leadership of the government and relevant departments, the industry work together to establish the "high standards" in reliability management and test methods to ensure the "high reliability" of power battery products.

The Ningde era was also involved in the field of electric aircraft. Last year, the company first tested a 4 -ton civilian electric aircraft.Zeng Yuqun disclosed that the electric vertical take -off and landing aircraft (EVTOL) equipped with the battery in Ningde Times is expected to achieve its first flight at the end of this year.