(Beijing Comprehensive News) According to the announcement of the Bank of China, Liu Jin, vice chairman and president of the bank, resigned from personal reasons and took effect from Sunday (August 25).

According to the board of directors of Bank of China Co., Ltd. on Sunday (August 25), Liu Jin resigned from the office of the bank's vice chairman, executive director, members of the strategic development committee and president of the board of directors.Essence

The announcement did not disclose what Liu Jin resigned for any personal reasons, but mentioned that "Mr. Liu Jin has confirmed that there are no different opinions from the directors of the Bank, and there are no other matters to notify the shareholders of the Bank."

According to the China News Agency, before the new president was employed, 12 directors of the board of directors were approved by the board of directors, and the chairman Ge Haizheng performed the duties of the president on behalf of the president.

Bank of China held a board meeting last Monday (19th). Should attend 14 directors and 13 directors to attend. Liu Jin was absent due to other arrangements.

According to Hong Kong Sing Tao.com, Hong Kong Satellite TV reported on the official Weibo on Thursday (22nd) that the position of the Bank of China changes in the position of the president of China, and Liu Jin no longer serves as the president and reports Liu Jin's unfavorable rumors.Hong Kong Satellite TV officials deleted this report that night.

21 Economic Network reported that the time of Liu Jin's resignation was at the end of the third round of the 20th Central Government to carry out the final stage of regular inspections.The above -mentioned conventional inspections carried out in April this year. The inspection targets include Bank of China and many other financial units.