Wang Tianyi Vision China Data Map

According to the Economic Observation Network, Wang Tianyi, a chess master, known as "the first Chinese chess", has been approved by Hangzhou prosecutor.In addition to Wang Tianyi, there are other Chinese chess masters, which are also investigated.Earlier in April of this year, Wang Tianyi was investigated by the police, and the suspected crimes include "bribery of non -state staff."

The matters involved in Wang Tianyi are suspected of "buying chess" in the game, that is, Wang Yuefei, a master of chess -level chess -level master Wang Yuefei, to win the game, to obtain the advantages of the chess level ranking; it is also suspected of "sellingChess ", that is, receiving the opponent's money and intentionally losing chess in the game.Among them, Wang Tianyi and Wang Yuefei were suspected of "buying chess", which exceeded 800,000 yuan.

Wang Tianyi should have been infinitely promising. Since 2014, he has ranked first in the country in the country's chess player level for eleven consecutive years. Among them, in 2023, his level score reached 2,800 points.The historical highs have been overwhelming.Now it has embarked on the road of illegal crimes, which is sighing, and even the honors he has gained has become suspicious.I don't know if it is chess or crooked.

Around April 2023, a call recording of two Chinese chess masters Wang Yuefei and Hao Jichao caused a stir in the chess industry.Among them, the two mentioned Wang Tianyi, and talked about Wang Yuefei and Wang Tianyi participated in the "buy chess" and manipulated chess games. They also suspected that using "special means" cheated in the game.

Wang Tianyi was approved to be arrested, and to some extent confirmed the previous "recording door" and the authenticity of related reports, but the current matter still needs to be further investigated.Chinese chess is a treasure of the Chinese nation's culture.

According to the provisions of the Criminal Law, non -state staff, using the convenience of their positions, asking or illegally accepting the property of others, making benefits for others, or using the convenience of their positions in economic exchanges, violating national regulations, accepting various names in various names, accepting various namesThe rebate and handling fee is owned by an individual, and the amount is large, which constitutes the crime of bribery by non -state staff.Conversely, in order to obtain unfair interests, the staff of the company, enterprise, or other units are given property, and the amount of large amounts constitutes a crime of bribery for non -state staff.Therefore, the so -called "buy chess" and "sell chess" is essentially bribery and accepting bribery.This is not just a matter of retirement or returning bonuses, but must be seriously investigated for criminal responsibility.

As the specific case has not been announced, the media stated that "Wang Tianyi and Wang Yuefei's suspected 'buy chess' have exceeded 800,000 yuan." The amount of 800,000 yuan may not be all.Take a step back, as long as it involves illegal crimes, regardless of the amount of amount, it should be handled strictly under the legal framework without being influenced by the identity of the person.Maybe some people will feel a pity for the master of chess like Wang Tianyi, but it is a pity that he should not surpass the legal red line and make chess into a tool for buying and selling.This not only ruins its own future, but also the reputation of chess.

Only severe punishment according to law can we warn the latecomers.It is hoped that the relevant departments will dig deep into strict investigations and take out the suspected criminals to maintain the purity of the competitive movement and the image of chess.