For a long time, Donald Trump has been a self -destructive person.

His personal resentment, impulse and eagerness to authoritarianism endanger his presidential position and political campaign.His random attitudes towards the rule of law, as well as the failure to accept the election failed, led to a fine of $ 83 million, nearly 36 sinful convictions, and more legal trouble.

But on Thursday night, Trump, who was still entangled with a bandage in his right ear, tried to make a witty political transformation.

At the beginning of his speech, he shaped himself as a person who was committed to solidarity and promised to meet his long -term deepening political differences.He only mentioned President Biden's name once.At some moment, his tone was more like the hope and healing information transmitted by President Obama, instead of the dark version of the dark version described by Trump's first two times when the Republican presidential candidate nominated.

"The disagreement and division in our society must be cured -we must be cured quickly," Trump said at the last night of the Republican Conference."As Americans, we are associated with a common destiny. We either rises together or fall apart."

Differential differences in the Democratic Party, and polls are also inclined to Trump, Republicans use the National Conference in Milwa to enjoy this moment.In their opinion, Trump, who was impeached, repeatedly prosecuted, convicted, fined, and will soon be sentenced to the most powerful position in the world.

However, even the speech aimed at showing new information this time highlighted Trump's challenges in restraining self.He spoke according to the script at first.But over an hour and an hour, he couldn't help but return to the aimless and no rules, which has always been his iconic style.The Republican nominated speech for more than 90 minutes was at least the longest since the US Presidential Project of the University of California St. Barbara in 1956 began to track the statistics of Republican Party.

In the last 15 weeks of the campaign, whether he can curb his self -destruction tendency and ease his preference for revenge and unpopular right -wing policy, Trump's ultimate success will depend on this.Since the voters rejected him in the 2020 vote, the conservativeism pursued by Trump has become increasingly unrestrained, more and more aggressive, and often almost authoritarianism.

In March last year, he described his campaign as the "last battle" with political opponents, and told the supporters, "I revenge for you." Last October, he claimed that immigrants were "poisoning" the country in this country.blood.One month later, at the Veterans Day, he degraded his opponent into a "pest" that needed to "eliminate".Last December, he said he would become a dictator -but only the first day he returned to the presidential position.Last month, Trump promised to appoint a special prosecutor for President Biden and his family.

At least this night, this open threat and naked vicious image have basically not appeared in his speech.Nevertheless, in this speech aimed at adding friendship to Trump, the former president could not help but exaggerate the Democratic parties and personal attacks.

He laughed at the former House of Representatives Speaker, Nanxi Pelosi, was "crazy Nangxi."For less than four years, he said that the United States was already a "declining country."He described an exaggerated description of the immigration crisis, calling it "the largest invasion in history", and will compare the unlicensed immigrants as the fictional serial killer and foodman Hannibal in the Silence of the Lambs.Lecott.

"In fact, I was saving democracy for the people of our country," Trump said, he ignored his role in the riots of the supporters of Congress Building on January 6, 2021.

Unlike his speeches in many political assemblies, Trump has largely diluted the reason why he led his political life since his self -regulating office -he missed the stolen election in 2020, and Democrats were usingThe judicial system is to deal with him.

"I run for the president for all Americans, not half the United States, because it is impossible to win half of the United States," Trump said.

According to Trump's close ally, the recently restrained by the former president was largely caused by the death of the Saturday campaign rally.

"I can stand in front of you and depend on the grace of the universal God," Trump said when talking about his assassination experience.

In private, Trump has been afraid of the possibility of being assassinated for a long time -during his presidential period, he told at least two allies that he was worried that the murderer would come from his own government's intelligence or law enforcement agencies.After escaping on Saturday, Trump showed rare reflection at the closed -door meeting. He talked to the consultants about his name behind him, and how his grandchildren might remember him.

On Thursday, Trump told his story on the stage. He told the crowd, "You will not hear it for the second time from me, because it is too painful to speak." HeIt seems that the loyalty of the supporters is moved, saying that the shooting event is almost a spiritual experience, or even the "God of God."

"The bullet flew over our head, but I felt calm," he said."I can stand in front of you, depend on the grace of God of God."

If this new attitude of Trump continues to the conference, it will bring new challenges to Democrats.For eight years, Trump has been their most powerful political weapon and a way for them to unite the voting warehouse. These voters' dislikes of Trump even surpassed their love for their leaders.

They tried to turn the campaign into another referendum against Trump, not whether Biden was suitable for re -election.Biden's assistants said they were trying to fight against some people's "Trump's Forgets", that is, many Americans had forgotten how chaotic and division they did not like Trump's ruling period.

After being shot at the election rally, Trump seems to be more concerned about what he will leave for future generations, and how his grandchildren will remember him.

For Republicans, his speech was a successful end to the effective conference.

Republicans have not focused their attention on Biden (the status of Bayeng in the Democratic candidate seems to be increasingly dangerous), but unity.No reflection.They took a week to reshape the former president into a loyal grandfather, a considerate friend and a compassionate leader.Republicans have made their political parties a large tent that tolerate various ideas, union leaders and Republican Republicans, conservative rebels, and political people who have delivered a speech here.

For a party that has been surrounded by a person's sudden imagination and view for ten years, this is a clear change.However, the only loyalty test of the party still exists: the Republicans who do against the former president either retire or be defeated or forced to accept his agenda.As a result, a purified party fully accepted a pure Trumpism and put wins on the ideal of traditional conservativeism.

On the night of the opening night on Monday on Monday, Trump seemed to be almost swallowed by emotions. In the sound of supporters cheered to him, he seemed to endure tears.OneFor those who create political brands based on populist anger and treat fragility as weaknesses, this is a noteworthy moment.

With the end of Thursday's activities, the former president tried to use some of his new feelings to describe the "real potential" of the United States, and from the "American catastrophe" -the theme of his inauguration speech -transferCome.

"As long as we spend our energy on each other, our destiny will always be out of reach, which is unacceptable," he said."On the contrary, we must use this energy to use it to achieve the true potential of our country, and write our own exciting chapter in the American story."

However, after eight years under the spotlight, Americans may not just decide which story and which version of Trump will be remembered by only one and a half hours on the podium.

Lisa Lerer is a Times American political reporter and stays in New York.She has reported US politics for more than 20 years.

Michael C. Bender is a Times American reporter, reporting to Trump, "Let the United States restore the Great Glory" movement and other federal and state election news.