The latest information on the column of "The current Leader" website of the Chinese Law Society shows that The members of the 14th National People's Congress Standing Committee, the Deputy Chairman of the Constitution and the Legal Committee Wang Hongxiang, who has also served as ChinaSecretary of the Party Group of Law.

Public information shows that Wang Hongxiang, male, Han nationality, born in June 1963, graduate degree, doctoral degree in law, member of the Communist Party of China.

He has served as deputy director of the Political Department of the Supreme Procuratorate, Director of the Division Reform Office, Deputy Leadership of the Supreme Prosecutor's Discipline Inspection Team in the Central Discipline Inspection Commission, and director of the Supervision Bureau.

In 2016, he served as the director of the Political Department of the Supreme Procuratorate and a member of the party group.Member, the deputy chairman of the Constitution and the Legal Committee, will be new.

Earlier, Chen Xunqiu, executive vice president of the Chinese Law Society, was also the secretary of the Party Group of the Chinese Law Association.

According to reports, the Chinese Society of Law is a people's group led by the Communist Party of China. It is an important part of the national mass groups, academic groups and political and legal fronts of the legal and legal circles.The bridge and bond of the person are important forces to strengthen the construction of socialist democracy and rule of law, promote the comprehensive governance of the country and build a socialist country in accordance with the law.