On July 18, 2024, Xinhua News Agency's right to release the Journal of the Third Public Meeting of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China.According to the public announcement, the plenary session reviewed and passed the CPC Central Military Commission's review report on Li Shangfu, Li Yuchao, and Sun Jinming's serious disciplinary violations, and confirmed that the Central Political Bureau gave Li Shangfu, Li Yuchao, and Sun Jinming's removal of the party.

The three who were expelled from the party was a senior military general. Li Shangfu had previously served as a member of the Central Military Commission, the State Councilor and the Minister of Defense.

The personal resume released by Xinhua News Agency shows that Li Shangfu was a Han nationality. He was born in February 1958. He Xingguo, Jiangxi, joined the work in May 1974. He joined the army in August 1982. He joined the Communist Party of China in June 1980Graduated from theory and control engineering, graduate degree, doctoral degree in engineering.

Li Shangfu was the deputy commander of the 63790 unit of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, the director of the Xichang Satellite Launch Center, the Chief of Staff of the Commander of the General Equipment Department of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, deputy director of the General Equipment Department, and Deputy Commander of Strategic Support Force.

In September 2017, Li Shangfu was appointed Minister of Equipment Development of the Central Military Commission and was promoted to the rank of general in July 2019.In June 2021, Shenzhou 12 manned spacecraft opened the space of space. At that time, Li Shangfu issued a starting order.On September 17, 2021, the astronauts Nie Haisheng, Liu Boming, and Tang Hongbo who successfully completed the Shenzhou 12 manned flight mission, took the opportunity to arrive in Beijing safely, Li Shangfu and others went to the airport to welcome.

In October 2022, Li Shangfu became a member of the 20th Central Committee of the Communist Party of China and a member of the CPC Central Committee of the Central Committee. In March 2023, he was appointed as a member of the State Councilor and Minister of Defense.However, just after half a year, in October 2023, the sixth session of the Standing Committee of the 14th National People's Congress eliminated three positions of the State Commissioner, Minister of Defense, and members of the Central Military Commission of Li Shangfu.

On June 27, 2024, the meeting of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China reviewed and passed the report of the results of the review results and handling opinions on the results of the Central Military Commission on the results of the Li Shangfu issues.Li Shangfu's suspected crime was transferred to the military procuratorial organs to review and prosecute in accordance with the law.It is given to be expelled from the party, and it will be recognized when the central committee will be held.

Earlier, the Central Military Commission has decided to give Li Shangfu to expel military punishment and cancel the rank of generals of the Army.

The introduction of the meeting, according to the problem clues found in the investigation and handling case of the Discipline Inspection Commission of the Military Commission, after the decision of the Party Central Committee, on August 31, 2023, the Commission for Discipline Inspection of the Military Commission shall file a investigation and investigation of the serious violations of disciplinary violations of Li Shangfu.

It has been found that Li Shangfu seriously violates political discipline, does not fulfill its comprehensive and strict political responsibilities of the party, confronts organizational review; seriously violate organizational discipline, illegally seek personnel benefits for me and others;He received huge amounts of money and was suspected of accepting bribes; he was given money to others for improving the money.In the review and investigation, it was also found that Li Shangfu's other serious violations of discipline and laws were also found.As a senior leading cadre of the party and army, Li Shangfu has abandoned his original mission and loses the principles of party spirit. His behavior has failed the trust of the Party Central Committee and the Central Military Commission.Construction and the image of senior leading cadres have caused great damage. The nature is extremely serious, the impact is extremely harsh, and the harm is particularly huge.

According to the public resume, Li Yughao has served as the head of the Chinese People's Liberation Army's Second Artillery Emergency Movement Group, the chief of the nuclear emergency missile brigade, the Chinese People's Liberation Army Second Artillery Nuclear Missile Brigade, the new conventional missile brigade commander and other positionsLater, he was the deputy chief of staff of the second gun of the Chinese People's Liberation Army, commander of the 53rd base of the Rocket Army, and vice president of the Second Artillery University University.

According to the surging news report, in 2009, Li Yuchao, then the deputy chief of staff of the original second gun, also served as the deputy captain of the 60th anniversary of the National Day military parade.Six years later, at the military parade of the Anti -Japanese War on September 3, 2015, Li Yuchao, then commander of the second artillery base, was read by the identity rate of the third -party team leader of the conventional missile and became one of the few participation.General of the two parade.

In January 2022, Li Yuchao was promoted to the general rank of General Rocket Army Commander.

In September 2023, the Rocket Army held a military congress to decide and dismiss Li Yughao's 14th National People's Congress due to serious disciplinary violations of laws and disciplines.On December 29, 2023, the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress announced that in accordance with the relevant provisions of the National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China and the Local Congress of the People's Congress at all levels, Li Yuchao's qualifications were terminated.

Sun Jinming has rarely appeared in public reports in the past.In February 2023, members of the New Central Committee, alternate members, and main leading cadres at the provincial and ministerial level attended the seminar in Beijing.In the news webcast broadcast on the evening of February 11, Sun Jinming, who appeared as a central alternate member and chief of the Rocket Army, said that it was a urgent reality requirement to accelerate the modernization of national defense and the army.We must enhance the awareness of anxiety and open up the new world through the stubborn struggle. We must defend national sovereignty with more powerful capabilities and provide a strong guarantee for Chinese -style modernization.

In the report released by Xinhua News Agency at that time, Sun Jinming said that as an important part of Chinese -style modernization, the modernization of defense and military must focus on promoting the modernization of military theory, military equipment, military personnel and military systems.

In recent years, the army's anti -corruption has continued to advance.In January 2024, the PLA newspaper published an article that the anti -corruption must always blow up the front. At present, all the strong and powerful brigades of ancient and modern China and foreign countries have the biggest factor in corruption as the biggest tumor that erodes the army and affects the cohesion of the army.Although the army is an armed group that performs special tasks, it must not be special in anti -corruption and cannot become a "vacuum zone."

On June 26, the PLA published a commentator article to eliminate the soil and conditions of corruption. It is pointed out that the strategy of building a military in the new era must clarify that there must be no corruption in the military.Our army is the people's army under the leadership of the party. There is absolutely no their own special interests, and there is no right to engage in specialization.The army is taking a gun, and the problem of corruption must not be deposited in the party, especially in our army.

"We must adhere to the unchanged attitude of zero tolerance, the determination of the fierce medicine to go, the courage to scrape the poisoning, and the scale of severe punishment is not loose.For a long time, I will not win, and never receive troops. "The article said.

Interface News Reporter | Zhai Ruimin

Interface News Editor | Liu Haichuan