On July 3, the Henan Provincial Commission for Discipline Inspection issued news: Song Xiewei (at the same level) of the former dean of the School of Design of the Central Academy of Fine Arts was suspected of serious duties.Supervision and investigation of the Xuchang Municipal Supervision Committee of Henan Province.

If Song Xiewei is the head of the leader and artist of Song Xiewei as a well -known domestic art college and an artist, this is just a "normal" anti -corruption news.But then, a more concerned "episode" appeared in this incident: July 4, that is, Song Xiewei was announced by the official day.Academic integrity: decision on the withdrawal of Song Xiewei's dissertation.

The decision stated that " Recently, the editorial department of this magazine received a letter from the reader to the design of the paper published by Song Xiewei -the keywords have plagiarism.Part of the content cited in it has not been marked. This behavior has constituted plagiarism and seriously violates academic norms and publishing ethics.

Indeed, no matter what the author's identity, the paper is plagiarized, the academic norms and ethics are violated, and the journals are dealt with in a timely manner. But the next day the author lost his horse, his papers were "quick" as plagiarism and withdrawal, which was a bit strange.

You know, this paper was published in 2004 -not reviewing plagiarism in the past 20 years, Song Xiewei immediately withdrew the manuscript the next day. Is it just a coincidence?

According to the journal, the copy of the copy of the Song Xiewei's thesis was derived from "the recent letter from the editorial department of this journal", which was reported.The reader reports whether it is so close to the author at the time of time, and for the time being, it will not be displayed. But this plagiarism papers have been "safe and sound" for a long time. Does it indicate that the thesis review mechanism of the editorial department is omissions?

Some netizens questioned that considering the "status" of Song Xiewei before falling in the domestic art academic circle, this "safe and sound" failed to review the problem or know that there is a problem, but the author of the author, the editorial department, the editorial departmentAlso pretend to be "no problem".These obviously given people imagination, and there are more explanations.

The decision of the withdrawal also emphasized that the magazine of art and design has always adhered to the bottom line of academic ethics, and adhering to a fair and rigorous attitude towards each article. But if the author always waits for the author to "accident", the dissertation of the problem is evacuated. This "fair and rigorous attitude" may not be difficult to discount.

After academic officials have fallen off, does the previous academic behavior have a disagreement?From the agency to the relevant departments, it has also re -reviewed it to investigate whether there is "academic corruption".

But to be vigilant, this academic review, or the exposure and treatment of academic corruption, cannot only occur after the author's "administrative life" is over.For example, this incident will inevitably leave a question: If the author is still "in its place", can this "really serious problem" papers can always be in the journal?

Obviously, compared to the original form of the academic disrespect after the official disappear, the academic misconduct of the "reign" official can also be discovered and treated in time, which can better reflect the academic fairness and independence.Of course, this is also more conducive to highlighting the determination of academic institutions to maintain academic dignity, and to minimize the fluke of academic corruption.

Therefore, this incident is actually a reminder for all academic institutions: defending academic dignity, not seeing people to get vegetables, and there is a dissertation of academic ethics.draft. This is the most basic requirement for "academic belonging to academics, administrative return to administration".

The decision of the journal pointed out that this withdrawal is an opportunity for this journal to strengthen the review mechanism and improve quality control ability for art and design to ensure that the works published in this journal can stand the time and academic academics.Inspection -All academic journals and academic institutions should be reluctant.

Contribution/Editorial of Yang Mo/Ma Xiaolong School Division/Zhao Lin