Peng Guofu

On July 7th, the website of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection, with the approval of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China, the National Commission for Discipline Inspection conducted a case for review and investigation on the issues of serious violations of discipline and violations of the former party group and deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress."

After investigation, Peng Guofu lost his ideals and beliefs, abandoned his original mission, preached his personal "political achievements", obtained political capital, distorted the concept of performance, bonds, false debt, large statistical fraud, data fraud, and made political scammersIn the special rectification of leading cadres to use their powers and influence to make false rectifications in the special rectification of relatives and friends, to severely damage the local political ecology; disregard the spirit of the eight regulations of the central government, engage in formalism and enjoyment;Others seek benefits and receive property; moral degradation, engaging in power and money transactions; regardless of teaching of family members, "family -style" corruption; use job convenience to profitReceive huge amounts of property.

Peng Guofu seriously violated the party's political discipline, organizational discipline, integrity discipline and life discipline, constituted serious duties and suspected bribery crimes.Should be dealt with seriously.In accordance with the relevant regulations of the People's Republic of China on the Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China in accordance with the relevant provisions of the People's Republic of China on Disciplinary Actions of the Communist Party of China.Give it tolerance for public office ; terminate the qualifications of the 12th Party Congress of Hunan Province; seize its illegal income from disciplinary and illegal; transfer it to prosecutors for review and prosecution in accordance with the law, and transfer the property involved.

Public information shows that Peng Guofu was born in January 1963. After graduating from Xiangtan University in 1984, he stayed in school to teach.secretary.From 1996 to 1998, Peng Guofu, then the assistant to the president of Xiangtan University, became deputy secretary of the Xupu County Party Committee of Huaihua City.

In 2008, Peng Guofu was transferred to the Deputy Secretary of the Yueyang Municipal Party Committee and Secretary of the Yueyang County Party Committee .

In 2011, he served as the director of the Hunan Provincial Department of Science and Technology, and in 2014, he was transferred to the secretary of the Huaihua Municipal Party Committee.In the meantime, in 2018, he served as the vice chairman of the Hunan Provincial CPPCC, and continued to serve as the secretary of the Huaihua Municipal Party Committee.In January 2021, Peng Guofu was the deputy director of the Standing Committee of the Hunan Provincial People's Congress, and in March 2021, he stepped down as secretary of the Huaihua Municipal Party Committee.

On January 10 this year, Peng Guofu was investigated.