Li Feng, deputy dean of the senior financial college of Shanghai Jiaotong University, said on Saturday (July 6) that finance is the blood of the national economy and an important part of the core competitiveness of the country.As a financial practitioner, not only should you not have a sense of shame, but he should be deeply proud.

According to a press release issued by the Shanghai Advanced Financial College, Li Feng said at the graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony of the graduation ceremony and degree awarding ceremony of Shanghai Jiaotong University.In particular, the attention of hardcore technology innovation has reached an unprecedented point.This is a very good phenomenon. Harducleic technology is an important promoter to drive the realization of Chinese -style modernization.However, in the process, some people began to think that the financial industry was worthless, because finance seemed to be hardcore technology and believed that the financial industry was an optional cost of transaction;Alumni even produce career shame.

Li Feng believes that this view is urgent to be corrected: all high -gold alumni need to firmly believe in the role and importance of finance.This is because the development of new quality productivity cannot be hard and soft.In addition to hard technology, organizational design, scientific management, and various professional services (including financial services) are also indispensable ingredients to develop new quality productivity.

He said that Gao Jin people must fully understand and firmly believe that finance is the blood of the national economy and an important part of the core competitiveness of the country.Promoting high -quality financial development is an important support for Chinese -style modernization to comprehensively promote the construction of a strong country.As a financial practitioner or engaged in investment and financing in an enterprise, not only should you not have a sense of shame, but he should be deeply proud.

Li Feng also takes the field of new energy vehicles as an example. It is said that China's industrial policy has achieved great achievements, but it cannot ignore the important role of entrepreneurs behind companies such as BYD and zero -run vehicles.In the face of great uncertainty, it is these excellent entrepreneurs who have the courage to bear huge risks, break through the routine, continue to innovate, and contribute to the progress of human beings. It is an important source of development of new productivity.

He said, to believe in the role of entrepreneurs, see their contribution to society, support them to get reasonable risk returns, and support the protection of the returns they get.