Some netizens have reported the real name of the Xi'an Jiaotong University for a long time to maintain unfair relationship with students. Students have become outstanding graduates to invade the research results of other people's subjects across their majors by unreasonable relationships.

Web posts show that the reporter claims to be Wang Peng, a student of the Department of Telecommunications Department of West Communications.Reporting Vice President Chai Mou and student Li and Xiao Mou for a long time to maintain improper male and female relationships.At the same time, Wang said that in addition to Li and Xiao, they have also maintained improper men and women with many female cadres promoted for a long time.

In response, the Propaganda Department of the Party Committee of Xi'an Jiaotong University responded that she had seen the post post and the police had been reported.The poster claims that the information is fraud.The specific investigation situation is currently following up.

Regarding the recent rumors of outstanding graduates Li, the school has also launched an investigation and has now formed an investigation report.Li himself also reported to the police on June 25, and the police were investigating this.

Earlier reports:

The speech of the outstanding graduates of Xi'an Jiaotong University caused doubts. The media: The school should respond to public opinion concern in time