On July 3rd, the public account of the Chongqing Discipline Inspection Commission "Fengzheng Bayu" released the analysis of the former party secretary and director of the former party committee and director of the Hechuan District Water Resources Bureau of Chongqing City.

At the beginning of Chen Bing'an's work, he was dedicated and worked hard. He was affirmed and cultivated by the organization. He was promoted to a cadre at the age of 35 and successively served as the "leader" of town and streets.As a leading cadre of party members, after being reused, Chen Bingan should have put all his energy on serving the people, but he lost his original intention and regarded the power given by the party and the people as a tool for bribery to collect money and invest in business."Eat water by water", and the businessman "shoulders", getting farther and farther on the road of discipline and law, and eventually trapped.

Chen Bing'an, male, born in September 1971, joined the work in August 1993, and joined the Communist Party of China in February 1997.Former staff member of the Akikawa City in Hechuan City; Forestry of Bird's Nest Town, Hechuan City; Deputy Mayor of Hison Town; Deputy Mayor of Erlang Town, Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee and Mayor, Secretary of the Party Committee of the Safety and Administration of Hechuan District;; Secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Water Resources Bureau of Hechuan District.

In April 2022, the Supervision Committee of the Hechuan District Commission for Discipline Inspection was investigated and investigated for Chen Bingan's suspicion of serious disciplinary violations.In November 2022, Chen Bingan was expelled from the party and was expelled.In July 2023, Chen Bingan was sentenced to five years and three months in prison for the crime of bribery and money laundering.

The beginning of the heart is lost

Trading with power and money with power

After participating in the work, Chen Bingan started from a township forestry staff. He was willing to suffer hard and not afraid of tiredness. In the hottest Sanfu Tian, ​​he completed the forestry basic survey of 15 villages in just 3 days.His efforts were affirmed by the organization. In 1998, Chen Bingan, 27, was promoted to the deputy mayor of Ninghe Long Town.In the following 13 years, he has successively served as deputy secretary of the town party committee, mayor, and secretary of the town party committee.

The smooth and smooth water of the official career made Chen Bingan start fluttering, gradually relaxing the vigilance and lost the bottom line."There is always a demand for money. Once you have a chance, you want to be economically‘ enriched. "Chen Bingan admitted that after becoming a leading cadre, he wanted to make some money.The businessman gave Xiao En Xiaohui, he never refused, his appetite became bigger and bigger.

In 2012, 41 -year -old Chen Bing'an was transferred to the urban area and became the party secretary and director of the Hechuan District Safety Supervision Bureau.As the "first leader" of the Safety Supervision Bureau, Chen Bingan held the supervision and management right of safety production in the district. Therefore, he "eaten the mountains" and regarded power as a way to make money.

In 2011, the Hechuan District Safety Supervision Bureau launched a unified installation of non -coal mine video surveillance projects.When Chen Bing'an served as the director of the security supervision, the project had completed the bidding and was contracted by two companies.At this time, Chen Bingan's classmate Gao Mou came to the door, hoping to "divide a share" and expressed his gratitude.Chen Bingan, who was swollen, changed his unauthorized change of things. Under his teachings, the project of the project's winning company changed from two to 3.Gao Mou, who succeeded in getting the business, soon gave the 100,000 yuan thanks to Chen Bingan.

With the increase of power in his hands, Chen Bingan's arrogance also intensified.The classmate Ou Mou wanted to obtain the right to control the security technology training center. Chen Bingan not only helped him to obtain it successfully, but also allowed him to contract all the safety training businesses in the region.Seeing this is so smooth, Ou Mou has intensified, hoping to obtain a permit for alcohol -based fuel.In order to achieve Ou Mou's monopoly operation, Chen Bingan combats other enterprises in the name of "fighting non -governance" in the name of hazardous chemicals, making Oumou the only legal seller operating alcohol -based fuel in the region.EssenceIn return, Ou Mou gave Chen Bingan's benefits of more than 600,000 yuan.

In 2019, Chen Bingan was transferred to the secretary of the Party Committee and Director of the Water Resources Bureau of Hechuan District, and he began to "eat water by water".In the 3 years of the Water Resources Bureau, many enthusiasts invited the trustee to visit. Chen Bingan helped them successfully undertake the engineering projects implemented by the Water Resources Bureau and obtained the bidding of engineering projects. A total of more than 700,000 yuan benefits were also included by Chen Bingan.

Public power surnames must also be public, and the power without supervision must cause corruption.Private thoughts were corroded and greedy to blind their eyes. Chen Bingan used the power in his hand as a "cash cow". The small one dared to take it, and he dared to collect, and he repeatedly derailed the border. He eventually fell into the abyss of illegal crimes.

Yiguan and also quotient

As a "shadow shareholder" gathering money to gather money

Chen Bingan both wants to be an official, has power, and is famous; he also wants to make a fortune and has benefits and benefits. Therefore, while receiving bribes, he also violated the company's business -oriented enterprises in an attempt to earn greater benefits."I started my business since I was a child, walking down step by step, and formed the lesson of today's iron." Chen Bingan said that because of the lawless law, he always wanted to "make money by officials", trying to use the small and big and risky.

At the end of 2010, Chen Bingan agreed to invest 600,000 yuan to enter the market construction project with Erlang Town's party committee and mayor. The project has not obtained benefits because it has been put on hold.Although the investment in the investment failed, Chen Bingan, who was unwilling, did not stop there.

In 2012, Chen Bingan, who had been in the District Safety Supervision Bureau, attempted to make up for the loss of investment failure.When he found that the business of catering boats was favorable, he immediately decided to invest in a catering boat with Zhou and others.Chen Bingan also used its powers to coordinate related matters such as the citizenship of the ship and the site selection, and asked his relatives to help him hold the business shares of the catering boat, which made more than 900,000 yuan from it.

Chen Bingan, who tasted the sweetness, became more and more bold, looking for "business opportunities" everywhere, waiting for opportunities.In 2018, Hechuan District began to start the transformation of coal mines.The coal mine owner, Li, found Chen Bing'an, hoping to help.Chen Bingan realized that the opportunity to make money came again. He used his power to run a relationship and find a project for Li Mou, not only to allow Li to successfully transform the business vegetable market, but also provides a very good location.price.Of course, Chen Bingan would not help in vain. He had a rude abacus, taking the opportunity to invest in the project in the name of his relatives, which contributed 600,000 yuan, accounting for 18%of the shares.By the time of the incident, the actual value of the shares was nearly 6 million yuan, and Chen Bingan made nearly 10 times.

As Chen Bingan said in confession: "Greed, just like a devil, pull people into the grave." When greed and selfish desire gradually occupied the upper hand, the ideals and beliefs will be left behind, Chen Bingan involuntarily from Guangming from GuangmingAvenue stepped into the crooked door.

Gan was "hunting"

Psychological imbalance pursuing paper drunk gold fans

With the step -by -step improvement of his position, Chen Bingan's circle of communication gradually expanded, thus forming a special "circle of friends"."In contact with these entrepreneurs and bosses, I saw them all big and big, and I felt that they had no ability. They felt that they all helped them.Essence

The sense of vanity and gap made Chen Bingan completely imbalance, and his desire for money grows up like weeds.Chen Bingan pursued a luxurious life and set up a tea room and private room in the cafeteria of the subordinate units of the District Water Resources Bureau for private use.He was obsessed with eating and drinking, becoming a guest of the bosses, enjoying free fishing, eating and other activities, and in the villa of the boss villa, he received cash, precious Chinese herbal medicines and high -end tea leaves.

Listening to the other people's elements, she must be filmed, Chen Bingan forgotten, and was "hunting" and enjoyed it.He has long been herself with "big brother" and used his power to help "friends" contract the project, and his help also let these "friends" obey him.

Want to travel, "Friends" arrangement.In 2018, Chen Bingan wanted to take his wife to travel to the country. Gao Mou immediately took the initiative to serve, and a dragon was arranged properly, and all costs were borne by Gao.There are "friends" reception for dinner, "friends" pay for tourism, Chen Bingan enjoyed "free" life.

Want to buy a car, "friend" pays.In 2018, Chen Bingan wanted to change a car to "deserve it"In order to cater to the" big brother ", Ou Mou said nothing, and immediately ran to the bank to get cash and paid all the car purchases for Chen Bingan.

Want to buy a house, "friend" borrow money.Chen Bingan saw the businessman's owner lived in the villa and enjoyed a luxury mansion.If the money is not enough, then find the "friends" to borrow.So he asked Ou and Gao for 560,000 yuan in the name of borrowing.

There is no free lunch in the world.These "friends" around Chen Bingan strive to maintain the relationship with Chen Bingan, and they are seeing his power in his hands. He hopes that he will get the project and divide the project through him, and Chen Bingan also seizes the benefits on them."In order to obtain a little profit, abuse the power given by the party and the people." Chen Bingan reflected that he did not purify the "circle of friends", but he was "hunting" in the drunk gold fans.

Covering the Ear Balm

Attempt to "wash white" is just a cocoon self -binding

Chen Bingan worked hard to escape the investigation.He was clever and thought that as long as he did not receive money in his own name, he would not be found.

As early as 2008, he helped Tian to accept the village to return farmland to the forest project during his stay as the deputy secretary of the party committee and the mayor of Erlang Town. Tian Mou proposed half of the profit to Chen Bing'an.In order to cover up people's eyes, Chen Bingan found his former colleague Li, asked him to use the bank card for his own use, and then sent the card number to Tian Mou.As soon as he made a short, 135,000 yuan given by Tian into his own pocket.In this way, he believes that it is effective and convenient to operate.Every time he needs to use money, he arranges Li to help him transfer and sign to the bank, and he does not have to show up throughout the process.

But always use the same person's card, Chen Bingan is a little uneasy, so in 2010, he asked the neighbor Chen to get a bank card for his own use.When you come forward, arrange Chen to go to the scene to handle it.But what I did not expect was that Chen was obsessed with online gambling and spent 90,000 yuan in this card.

This incident made Chen Bingan absorb "lessons" and believes that it is not insurance with outsiders' cards. After that, he asked his sister, niece and other relatives to apply for a bank card, and then used these bank cards to accept bribery and invest in these bank cards.

He can not face a large amount of transfer, and he is handled by the trusting relatives, but how to deal with the cash red envelopes of thousands of yuan and tens of thousands of yuan?Chen Bingan believes that the amount of money is not large and it is not easy to cause doubt.So after a while, he ran to the bank, removed the red envelopes on the spot, and deposited the money into the card on the ATM machine.

For many years, the reason why Chen Bing'an has become bold and wanton for use is because he has always believed that he can use other people's cards to deposit money and use the names of family members to do business companies.In this way, avoid censorship and hide the sky.

In this way, he lived in a world of self -paralysis and was obsessed with incompetence, and missed the opportunity to change his new opportunity again and again.In 2021, when the Hechuan District Commission for Discipline Inspection asked Chen Bingan whether Chen Bing'an had an unfair economic relationship with others, he denied it.As everyone knows, the Skynet is restored, sparse without leakage, and any unnecessary struggle is made by cocoons.

"The difficulty of success is like a needle to pick the soil, and it is easy to push the sand like water ... I regret the intestines, cry and tears, heartbreaking pain, endless hate, but I know long ago, I knew it earlyToday, why should you be? "Sitting in the leasing room, watching the case handling personnel handling the cases of disciplinary violations and illegal cocoons, Chen Bingan suddenly realized.However, everything is late.

[Source: Fengzheng Bayu]