South Korean intelligence agencies told the country's legislators on Thursday that if North Korean leader Kim Jong -un died, his young daughter was the most likely successor, and the latter often accompanied his father to attend public activities, including long -range missile tests.

Although North Korea did not disclose any personal information about this daughter, including name and age, South Korean officials have determined that she is called Kim Lord Ai.Kim Lord Ai was also in the headline news when he was in the middle of the middle. The NBA retired star Dennis Rodman said that in 2013, when he saw Kim Jong -un in Pyongyang, he was allowed to hold her.

North Korean official media claimed that she was the "most loved" or "most respected" child, and announced the pictures that the military generals and other senior officials kneeling in front of her.These scenes sparked extensive speculation from outside analysis people and believed that this daughter was being trained as her father's successor.

But before, the South Korean government has been cautious about the girl's position in Pyongyang's secret regime.South Korean officials have stated that although the Kim family's dynasty -style rule for North Korea is likely to continue after Kim Jong -un's death, they are not sure which child will replace Kim Jong -un's position.

According to Korean officials, another child of Kim Jong -un has little love than Kim Lord.They also say that there are also information that Kim Jong -un may have a child who loves older than Kim Lord, and may be a son, and they are verifying the information.So far, Kim Lord Ai is the only child who has appeared in publicly.

"As far as the current is concerned, Kim Lord Ai is regarded as the most likely successor," in a assessment report in the National Intelligence Institute of major government spy agencies in South Korea, the report was passed through a member of Congress on ThursdayPublished.The evaluation appeared in the written answer to the Intelligence Institute of the Congress's Intelligence Committee Yin Jianyong.

But the Intelligence Institute warns that it is also considering the "all possibilities" in North Korea's successor plan because there are still "many variables".The Intelligence Institute did not give a detailed explanation, but pointed out that Kim Jong -un is still young -he is 40 years old next Monday -and as far as the outside world knows, he has no serious health problems.

Golden Lord's first public appearance in November 2022, watching the long -range missile test with his father.Since then, she accompanied Kim Jong -un to participate in important national activities such as military parade and appeared with her father on the core layout reported by North Korean official media.Official media often released the picture of the father and daughter's hand -held hands and loved the opponent's cheek.

It can be seen from the screen played by North Korean TV that Kim Jong -un hugs her daughter at the year -end celebration of Pyongyang and kissed her cheeks.

Although North Korea is not a monarchy, it has been a dynasty rule since the end of World War II.The supreme leader of North Korea is said to be elected by the Congress of the Ruling Party.But in fact, the Jin family has ruled the country like managing a private family business since the founding of the People's Republic of China.Kim Jong -un's grandfather and father have been in power to their death.Kim Jong -un became the national leader after his father Kim Jong Il died in 2011.

Who will inherit this regime -and North Korea's rapid growth of nuclear arsenal -have always attracted relevant officials and analysts, especially when doubts about Kim Jong -un's health occasionally appear.If Kim Lord loves to take over Kim Jong -un to become a North Korean leader, she will be the first female rulers of North Korea, led by men, and she will be the first female rulers.

It is predicted that the internal operation of Pyongyang's opaque regime is a well -known problem.Before North Korea announced that Kim Jong -un was announced in 2008, before Kim Jong -un was a successor, many external analysts had a long -term speculation that one of Kim Jong -un's two brothers would take over his father's position.

The age of Golden Lord is believed to be around 10 years old.Analysts say that considering that she is still young, she now judges whether she will eventually be cultivated as early as the ruling style that is like her father.And assassinate the brother of his father.

Choe Sang-Hun is the chief reporter in the Times in Seoul, reporting to South Korea and North Korea.

Translation: Cindy hao