The new documents released by the Democratic Party of the House of Representatives showed that during the presidential period of Trump, his enterprise received at least 7.8 million US dollars from 20 foreign governments. These documents showed that his main political White House tradedMost of the income from China comes from China.

In a 156 -page report named White House for sale, the Democrats of the House of Representatives Supervision Committee introduced these transactions in detail.The report is proven by practical evidence that it is precisely the behavior that the Republicans of the House of Representatives have worked hard to try to try to prove in their impeachment case. This impeachment has not yet succeeded.


Report uses documents obtained by hard work through litigation, describing Trump's period of time, his family business, the entity controlled by foreign governments and its control -including a major opponent of the United States -how does it come and go.They paid hundreds of hundreds of Trump International Hotel in Washington, Trump International Hotel in Washington, Trump International Hotel in Las Vegas, Trump Building at Fifth Avenue in New York, and Trump World Building, UNIA 845, New York.Ten thousand U.S. dollars.

The Constitution banned federal public officials from accepting the money, payment or gifts of foreign governments and monarchs, unless the consent of Congress.The report pointed out that Trump never sought consent from Congress.

The Democrats of the House of Representatives emphasized these transactions on Thursday as a checks and balance of Republicans' survey against Biden's impeachment.Republicans tried to associate Biden with his son Hunter Biden to become the international commercial transaction reached before the president to prove that Biden had corruption or conspiracy to personal.So far, they have failed to prove that President Biden profit from these transactions in any way.

"Former President Trump put his personal economic interests and corruption foreign forces policies on the public interest of the US, which not only violated the clear provisions of the Constitution, but also violated the commander -in -chief of the Three Army.Prerequisites, "Maryland MP and Democratic Party leader of the Supervisory Committee, Jamie Laskin, wrote in the report of the report.


Report found that among the countries spent in Trump's projects, China has made the greatest contribution to his business interests, with a amount of $ 5.5 million.These funds include millions of dollars from the Chinese Embassy in the United States, Industrial and Commercial Bank of China and Hainan Airlines.

Saudi Arabia is the second largest consumer, spent more than $ 615,000 in the Trump World Building and Trump International Hotel.

Former President's son, Eric Trump, has long been insisted that his father was not affected by foreign interests during his presidential period.The way to pay is returned to the federal government.

Dan Laskin pointed out on Thursday that donating profits to the Ministry of Finance does not meet the constitution's requirements for the president.

On Thursday, Eric Trump said in an email that the Bank of China mentioned in the report signed a 20 -year lease with the Trump Building in 2008, which is more than his father.It's nearly ten years earlier.He believes that it is clear that the former president did not let personal business motivation drive its business.

"Such narrative is mad," Eric Trump said in a report from the Democratic Party.He also said, "No President in the history of the United States has a stronger position against China than Donald Trump," and mentioned the high tariffs of the former president of the Chinese goods and services.He also said that the Trump Group "has no ability or conditions to prevent someone from reservation through a third party".

Republicans of the House of Representatives also refuted these breaking news, arguing that there was no problem with Trump's income from the foreign government during his presidential period, but the business of the Bayeng family was corrupt.

"Former President Trump’ s business is legal and compliant, but the Bayeng family is not the case, "James Rolie, a Republican Republican member of the Kentucky Republican and Chairman of the House of Representatives and Chairman of the House of Representatives, said in a statement on Thursday.He accused the Biden's "big fortune in the name of Biden", and the income obtained from the foreign government was more than three times that of Trump's income disclosed in the new archives.He also said that the Bayeon family did not provide any products or services except for the opportunity to contact Joe Biden and enter the Bayeng Family Relations Network. "

Democratic reports acknowledge their own limitations.Democratic parties have only received some business records of Trump under the aggressive lawsuit of many years.When they won the court ruling, the Mazawa Accounting Firm, which has been serving Trump for a long time, and the Trump and Trump's family business cutting, and began to transfer documents related to his financial transactions in 2022.

Before that, Mazawa announced that it was no longer able to guarantee the annual financial statements of the Trump Group for ten years, and these reports were compiled by the firm.

But after winning the control of Congress, the Republican Party stopped Mazawa's efforts to continue submitting Trump's business records.

Komo made it clear that he had suspended all investigations on the financial transactions of the former president, and instead paid attention to whether Biden and his family were suspected of conspiring private personality.

Nevertheless, Democrats still claim that they have obtained key materials before the investigation.


Report wrote, "The key is that even this small part of the documents exposed how foreign governments and their agents paid millions of dollars of money to their own companies during the President of Trump.When paying these payments, the foreign government is still promoting some foreign policy goals with the Trump administration, sometimes and even President Trump himself, and requires the United States to take certain actions to promote the national policy goals. " The report is the result of many years of survey that Trump has received money from foreign control during his tenure.The survey began in 2016 and was led by the Maryland Democratic Representative Ilyia E. Kamina. Kamina died in 2019.


Report pointed out that Trump sometimes brags out the wealth of the foreign government to him, including at a campaign rally in 2015. At that time, he hinted that he might be affected by his personal financial motivation when dealing with the government of another country.Essence

"Saudi Arabia, I have a good relationship with everyone," the report quoted him."They bought a house from me. They spent $ 45 million. Don't I like them yet? I like them very much!"

Reports urge Congress to consider adopting new disclosure rules to help the legislature obtain information for appropriate supervision.The report also stated that more formal procedures should be set up so that the president and other officials should be able to seek permission from Congress when they accept and want to retain the wealth obtained from other countries.

Luke Broadwater is responsible for reporting Congress, focusing on the investigation case of Congress.Click to view more information about him.Translation: New York Times Chinese online click to view the English version of this article.