According to the Xinhua News Agency, the third meeting of the 14th Committee of the CPPCC Dalian City on January 7 Election Gong Fuqing (Manchu) was the chairman of the CPPCC.

Earlier, Gong Fuqing has been the secretary of the Party Group of the Dalian CPPCC.

Gong Fuqing (Source of Data Map: China Medical University)

According to public resumes, Gong Fuqing, male, Manchu, born in March 1967, joined the work in August 1991, joined the Communist Party of China in December 1988.Gong Fuqing He was the Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Dalian Medical University and Secretary of the Party Committee of Liaoning Normal University . In 2020, Gong Fuqing served as Secretary of the Party Committee of the Chinese Medical University, and in January 2023, he served as Deputy Director of the Standing Committee of the Liaoning Provincial People's Congress.In February 2023, Hao Hongjun, chairman of the Dalian CPPCC and party secretary of the Dalian CPPCC in Liaoning Province; in July 2023, Hao Hongjun was "double -opened".