(Beijing Comprehensive News) Ning Jizhen, former director of the National Bureau of Statistics of China, said that China's economic growth last year can reach the expected goal and may return to 5.2%, but the current economic recovery is still at a critical stage.

Ning Jizhen is also the deputy director of the Economic Committee of the CPPCC National Committee.Comprehensive Securities Daily, Sina Finance, and Financial circles reported that Ning Jizhen pointed out at the China Capital Market Forum on Saturday (January 6) that last year, the four major macro indicators in China, including economic growth, employment, price increase and international internationalRevenue and expenditure meets expectations.

In terms of economic growth, Ning Jizhen said that China's economic growth in the fourth quarter of last year is expected to exceed the third quarter; according to relevant agencies, the growth rate of GDP (GDP) throughout the year will reach 5.2%to reachThe expected target of about 5%at the beginning of the year.

He also said that from 2020 to 2022, affected by the century's epidemic, the average annual growth of China's economy has increased by 4.5%. In order to achieve the level of potential growth, with the joint efforts of 2023, the economic growth has returned to 5.2%.This is not easy, it takes more cherishment.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics of China, in the first three quarters of last year, the Chinese economy increased by 4.5%, 6.3%, and 4.9%year -on -year.

Ning Jizhen also pointed out that the current Chinese economy still faces downward pressure. In 2024, macro -control should be strengthened, reinforcing counter -cyclical adjustments, and continuing to implement positive fiscal policies and stable monetary policy.Redence rate, increase fiscal expenditure, etc.