China officially reported that Zhou Qingyu, the former vice president of the National Development Bank of China, was arrested for bribery.

The official website of the Chinese Supreme People's Procuratorate reported on Thursday (December 14) that the former member of the National Development Bank of China and deputy president Zhou Qingyu was suspected of accepting bribes and using influence and bribery.Transfer to the procuratorial organs for review and prosecution.

The Jilin Provincial People's Procuratorate was designated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate.The case is being handled further.

Public information shows that Zhou Qingyu was born in September 1962, from Luoshan, Henan.From 2002 to 2011, he served as the president of Guizhou Branch of the Bank of China, general manager of the Ministry of Agricultural Credit Ministry, Executive Deputy Director of the Office of the Leadership Group of the joint -stock system, and director of the Three Agricultural Business Director.

In 2011, Zhou Qingyu entered the National Development Bank of China and served as the Secretary of the Discipline Inspection Commission. In 2015, he served as the deputy leader of the third inspection team of the Central Committee to participate in the central inspection work.Since 2016, Zhou Qingyu has served as a member of the Party Committee and Vice President of the National Development Bank of China.

Zhou Qingyu retired in September last year, but was removed from office by the National Development Bank of China.In May of this year, Zhou Qingyu's official announcement was investigated and was notified to be expelled from the Communist Party of China last month.