On December 7th, the second largest private ophthalmological medical service chain Group Huaxia Ophthalm Hospital Group Co., Ltd. (Huaxia Ophthalmology, 301267) plummeted, the largest decline in the market exceeded 17%, and finally closed at 11.84%At 34.25 yuan/share, the low since its listing on November 7, 2022.

On December 6, Huaxia Ophthalmology announced that the notice was received on the same day that the company's actual controller and chairman Su Qingcan were left by the Shanghai Municipal Supervision Committee for personal reasons.As of the disclosure of this announcement, the company has not received any investigation or cooperation with the company's investigation documents.

Huaxia Ophthalmology emphasizes that the company has a comprehensive governance structure and internal control mechanism, and has made proper arrangements for related matters. The company will operate in accordance with relevant laws and regulations and related systems.As of the disclosure date of the announcement, the company's control power has not changed. All other directors, supervisors, and senior management personnel except Su Qingcan are currently performing their duties normally. The company's production and operation and management are normal.Tremendous influence.

Huaxia Ophthalmology has newly built and acquired more than 20 ophthalmic hospitals this year

"Golden Eyes and Silver Copper Copper Sumile", ophthalmology has always been regarded as a gold track in the medical service field.According to the Blight of the Huaxia Ophthalmology, from 2014 to 2018, the market size of private ophthalmic hospitals increased rapidly from approximately 15.77 billion yuan to approximately 34.16 billion yuan, with a compound annual growth rate of 21.3%.It is expected that the private ophthalmological specialty medical service market will continue to grow by 2024 to approximately 113.2 billion yuan.

Huaxia Ophthalmology Department was established in 2004 with a registered capital of 500 million yuan. On November 7, 2022, it officially landed on the GEM of the Shenzhen Stock Exchange.Huaxia Ophthalmology is currently the second largest private ophthalmology service chain group in China, second only to the Elmine of Eye Moutai.

As a "second child" in the segmentation of ophthalmic medical services, there is a large gap between Huaxia Ophthalmology and El Ophthalmology.In 2022, the operating income of Huaxia Ophthalmology was 3.233 billion yuan, an increase of 5.51%year -on -year, and the net profit attributable to the mother was 512 million yuan, an increase of 12.5%year -on -year. At the same time, Irly's ophthalmology operating income was 16.11 billion yuan, and the net profit of the mother was 2.524 billion.The latest three -quarter report shows that the operating income of Huaxia Ophthalmology is 1.109 billion yuan, an increase of 17.44%year -on -year; net profit of home mother is 203 million yuan, an increase of 25.65%year -on -year.

2023 semi -annual report shows that as of the end of the reporting period, the company has opened 57 ophthalmology hospitals and 52 vision centers in 49 cities in 18 provinces and municipalities across the country.Service outlet system.Xiamen Ophthalmology Center affiliated to Xiamen University of the company is a national three -level specialist hospital.

From the perspective of business, Huaxia Ophthalmology includes cataract, refractive, bottom, oblique amblyopia and pediatric eye, eye watches, glaucoma, orbital and eye tumors, and eye trauma.Provide ophthalmology general diagnosis and treatment services.

Who is Su Qingcan, who is left?

2022 reports showed that Su Qingcan was born in 1969. He is 54 years old and has a master's degree. In June 1996, Xiamen European Trading Co., Ltd. was established and served as a legal representative.From March 2000 to August 2016, he served as the general manager of Ouhua's import and export; from August 2004 to December 2015, he was an executive director and general manager of Huaxia Eye Department;,General manager.

According to the official WeChat public account of Huaxia Ophthalmology, Su Qingcan was an alumni of the 2002 EMBA of Xiamen University. During the centennial celebration of 2001, he donated 100 million yuan to the school. At the 98th anniversary, he also donated tens of millions of yuan.It is worth mentioning that Su Qingcan entered the 2023 Hurun Global Rich List with a net worth of 25.5 billion yuan, ranking 841.

In addition, Su Qingcan is still the 14th, 15th, 16th Xiamen People's Congress, member of the 11th Fujian Provincial Political Consultative Conference, deputy chairman of the Ophthalmology Professional Committee of the China Non -Public Medical Institution Association, and the Hong Kong Fujian AssociationThe Permanent Honorary Chairman, the Deputy Chairman of the Bright Fund Management Committee of the China Health and Promotion Foundation, and the vice chairman of the Development Alliance of the Chinese Private Hospital.Vice President of the Fujian Young Entrepreneurs Federation.

2023 semi -annual report shows that Su Qingcan is the actual controller of Huaxia Ophthalmology, which directly holds the company's 170270659 shares, accounting for 30.41%of the total number of shares of the company.) 84%of the equity control companies of the limited company 143227846 shares, accounting for 25.58%of the company's total shares. Su Qingcan holds a total of 313498505 shares in the company in a direct or indirect way, accounting for 55.98%of the company's total.

In addition, the relationship between Su Shihua and Su Qingcan is a unanimous action agreement signed by Su Shihua and Su Qingcan.Floating equity investment partnership (limited partnership), Xiamen Haoyun equity investment partnership (limited partnership), Xiamen Lukai equity investment partnership (limited partnership), Xiamen Bokai equity investment partnership (limited partnership), Xiamen Songsheng equity equityInvestment partnerships (limited partnerships) have a total of 3929,7695 shares of the company (7.02%of the company's total shares).Therefore, Su Qingcan and Su Shihua held a total of 35279,6200 shares, accounting for 63%of the company's total shares.

In the latest announcement, Huaxia Ophthalmology emphasized that Su Qingcan was rejected by the Shanghai Supervision Committee for personal reasons.Wind shows that since this year, many A -share pharmaceutical health listed companies have disclosed that the relevant persons in charge have been implemented, such as Wahua Pharmaceutical (002107.SZ), Sai Lun Bioschen (688163.SH), Wei Ning Health (300253.SZ)EssenceThe relevant personnel of the first two listed companies were eventually lifted, and Wei Ning Health also announced on August 14. Chairman Zhou Wei has been lifted to return to Shanghai on that day, and related cases are still under investigation.The company has not received relevant written documents at present. The company will continue to pay attention to the progress of the above matters, and in strict accordance with the provisions and requirements of relevant laws and regulations, it will timely fulfill the information disclosure obligations.