(Hong Kong Comprehensive News) On Wednesday (13th) of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, the Directors of the Chinese University of Hong Kong announced the decision to dismiss Vice President (Administrative) and Secretary -General Wu Shupei from the University of China.Wu Shupei expressed his regrets.

The Director of the Chinese University of Hong Kong issued a press release on Wednesday, saying that due to the loss of confidence in Wu Shipei's recent behavior of the school board of important matters, he believed that he was unwilling to or unwilling to support the schoolThe work of the board of directors was decided to immediately terminate his employment relationship with China University.

Comprehensive Sing Tao Daily and Ming Pao reports, when the school's board of directors Chao Chao saw the media, he did not disclose the specific reasons for Wu Shupei to be fired.It is reported that the school committee meeting met for six hours and discussed multiple plans, and finally agreed that the firing Wu Shupei was the decision to "be the best for the future of the university".

Wu Shupei issued a statement that night, saying that he felt "great, sad and sad, and unable to describe his inner feelings."He claimed that he had not had the opportunity to defend and criticize the defense, and pointed out that "individual school directors and social people" and then made "unprooped serious defamation" to him, and he reserved the right to investigate legal responsibility.

The official website of the Chinese University of Hong Kong showed that Wu Shupei joined CUHK in 2007. Since 2017, he has served as the vice president (administrative) and secretary -general.

Sing Tao Daily reported that Wu Shupei was in charge of important administrative power in the school and was regarded as the "left and right hands" of the principal Duan Chongzhi.

The Chinese University of Hong Kong has recently fallen into disputes on the reorganization of the board of directors.Last month, the Hong Kong Legislative Council passed the draft. The members of the Director of the Colleges and CUHK decreased from 55 to 34, and the proportion of off -campus members increased from half to more than two -thirds.

It is reported that this move to enhance the accountability and supervision of the affairs of the Chinese and Beijing affairs, and try to reverse the high proportion of schools in the University of China and may lead to the situation where faculty members hold the school board.Wu Shupei has participated in the joint departure of the Thousands of people who oppose the reform of the CUHK, and oppose the proportion of increasing the proportion of out -of -school people to serve as the school director.Member of the Legislative Council criticized Wu Shupei as the secretary of the school director, and his behavior was violated.Zha Yichao also pointed out that Wu Shupei participated in the co -signaling doubts, "Can he adhere to the principles of neutrality? Everyone knows that taking civil servants as an example, politically, they must be neutral."

At present, the 34 seats of the Board of the Central College have not yet been in place, with only 18 school directors, including two schools and 16 schools.Some senior school directors of the University of China said to the online media "Hong Kong 01" that the practice of instant university senior management has never been seen before, and the process is very rushing and lacking transparency.

Cai Ruolian, director of the Hong Kong Education Bureau, responded to the incident that he had learned and respected the decision of the board of directors of the University of China, and said that the government has always encouraged and supported the colleges to handle personnel and financial arrangements in accordance with its mechanism.