Before going to New Delhi, the new Chinese ambassador to India Xu Feihong said in an interview with the China -India media that the two armies had achieved disconnection from the four points in the western section of the border.

China and India In June 2020, the outbreak of the Wanhe Valley in the border in the west of the border Blooding conflict Later, the relationship between the two countries continued to be tense.The Indian Express News reported on Saturday (May 11) that there are still 50,000 to 60,000 military force to deploy near the Sino -Indian border real control line.

The Chinese Embassy in India, the full text of Xu Feihong's interview on Friday (May 10), was jointly conducted by the China International Television (CGTN) and the Indian newspaper Trust (PTI) reporter on May 7.Among them, CGTN raised two questions, and PTI raised four questions.

Xu Feihong said that after June 2020, the Chinese side and Indian side maintained diplomatic and military channels to communicate, and the two armies had achieved disconnection from the four points in the western section of the border.Xu Feihong also said that he was willing to work hard with the Indian side, take care of each other's concerns, and promote the situation of this round of things as soon as possible.

A number of Indian media paid attention to Xu Feihong's statement of "turning the chapter as soon as possible."Xu Feihong flew to New Delhi on Friday.Earlier, the posts of the Chinese Ambassador to India have gone for 18 months.The former ambassador Sun Weidong was left in October 2022.

For Xu Feihong's office, the Indian Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Jaswal said on Thursday (May 9): "We have our ambassador in China, and the new Chinese ambassador is coming here. This is a normal routine official ...... You can continue to communicate in this way "

After the conflict of the Galwan Valley, the two sides of the middle and India have held 21-wheeled troops and multi-round border borderAffairs negotiation meeting, but border disturbances did not stop.The exchanges between the two countries also decreased sharply. China's officials did not attend the G20 New Delhi Summit .

China relations are very important and significant, and the two sides urgently need to solve the long -term boundary problems.

Xu Feihong said that China has noticed Modi's statement of significant significance to China -India relations.He emphasized that Sino -Indian relations are not defined in a single issue or field, and border issues are not all of China -India relations.

India hosted the G20 Summit and the SCO Summit in 2023, but compared with India's careful preparation of the former, the latter was held only online, causing some members of the SCO.India's deep participation in the US -Japan -India -Australian Sifang Security Dialogue (QUAD) also worried China.

Xu Feihong said that China and India have similar positions in supporting multilateralism, promoting the recovery of the world economy, maintaining food security, and response to climate change.The strengthening and cooperation of China -India's affairs in international regional affairs will have an important and positive impact on promoting the establishment of a fair and reasonable international order.

India is currently election , analysts in China said that after the election, Sino-Indian relations may usherNew opportunities.Xu Feihong took office and voice, and may be preparing for the next China -India interaction.