The US Treasury Minister Yellen called on China to change the country's economic policy, saying that this may make investors go.

Agence France -Presse reported that Yellen on Thursday (December 14) said at the 50th anniversary of the establishment of the National Committee of the US -China Trade National Committee in Washington: "State -owned enterprises have played a big role, which may curb economic growth, and the role of security institutions.If you are too big, you may also block investment. "

The US company operated in China has long complained to China's business environment and is unfair, and the protection of intellectual property rights is not enough. It has given preferential treatment to domestic competitors in China.

This year, China has targeted foreign consulting companies operating in China, which has further intensified this concern.Washington has been promoting a more predictable business environment and fair competition environment with Beijing.

Yellen quoted a recent survey of the US -China Trade National Committee, stating that enterprises are re -considering investment plans in China, and Beijing should be vigilant.


Survey shows that the proportion of American companies that intend to relocate some businesses out of China in 2023 is higher than any other years since 2016.

Yellen said that the investigation trend shows that "seeking structural reforms" has potential benefits.She said: "For so many years, American workers and companies have not been able to compete with Chinese workers and enterprises in a fair competitive environment."

She said: "China has adopted various unfair economic practices, including non -marketing tools, setting up barriers to foreign companies, and coercive actions against American companies."

Yellen also expounded the priority of economic relations in the United States and China in 2024, and stated that the relationship between the two largest economies in the world will continue to face challenges.She plans to visit China again next year to seek deepening cooperation and improve communication.

Yellen said: "We don't seek to resolve all differences or avoid all impacts. This is unrealistic." She said that Washington's goal is to "maintain elastic communication" with Beijing.