The degree of Japanese economic atrophy, private consumption dataThe revision was a decline, and this result highlighted the vulnerability of the economic recovery after the epidemic.

Bloomberg reported that the revised data released by the Japanese Cabinet Mansion on Friday (December 8) showed that the total domestic product of the three months as of September was equivalent to the growth rate of 2.9%.The initial value decreased by 2.1%, and the economist was estimated to decrease by 2.0%.Consumption data has been fell from the same correction to 0.2%.

After the correction, the data confirms that as the overseas economy slows down and viscous inflation has dragged down domestic consumption, the economic recovery momentum after the Japanese epidemic is losing momentum.

Another data shows that the eighth consecutive month of family expenditure declined in October, and the actual cash income continued to decline.Monthly data means that the current quarter is weaker, and family expenditures have decreased by 2.5%year -on -year.Although the nominal salary increased by 1.5%, the largest increase since June, the actual salary after considering the inflation factor fell for the 19th consecutive month, a decrease of 2.3%.

The chief economist at the Institute of Lotte Securities Economics Research Institute, Shitagang Kang, said: "The revised data and expenditure report shows the signs of weak consumption ... When the economy has deteriorated, the Bank of Japan ended the negative interest rate policy.There are risks. "