Hamas Deputy Commander Aruri told Peninsula TV that before Gaza stopped, he would no longer exchange prisoners with the seized hostages.Vice President of the United States and Minister of Defense said that Israel is required to protect Gaza civilians in the top priority.

Reuters reported that Aruri said on Saturday (December 2nd) that Hamas's hostages were still detained by Israeli soldiers and civilians who had served in the Israeli army.Release, otherwise the hostages will not be released.

Aruri said, "Let the war be of nature, this decision is the ultimate. We will not compromise this."

After the temporary ceasefire of Israel and Hamas expired, the army , especially densely bombarded the southern town of Khanis and Lafa, the civilian casualties caused by the town of the southern town are worrying.

U.S. Vice President Harris said at a press conference held during the COP28 summit: "How Israel is important to self -defense. The United States clearly states that the international humanitarian law must be respected. Too many innocent Palestinians are killed.Israel must take more measures to protect innocent civilians. "

The United States is increasingly requested that Israel must reduce the theater when launching any offense in the south of Gaza and ensure the safety of the Palestinians.

U.S. Defense Minister Austin said in a speech at the Reagan Defense Forum held at Simi Valley, California, saying that he personally urged Israeli leaders to avoid civilian casualties, avoid "irresponsible remarks", and prevent violence from settors on the west bank of the Jordan River.Behavior.

"In the battle, the center of gravity is civilians. If you push them into the embrace of the enemy, the strategic failure will replace the tactical victory," Austin said. "Therefore, I have repeatedly stated to the leaders of IsraelIt is both a moral responsibility and a urgent strategy. "

Harris added that in the future, the United States "hopes to see Gaza and the West Bank of the West Bank of the Jordan River under the leadership of Palestine's power", and Hamas can no longer manage Gaza.Before the ability of the Palestinian power institutions' security forces, "must be accepted by Israel, Gasha people, Palestine's power institutions and international partners."