(Tel Aviv / Gasha Composite Electric) Gagha Warfire was redeemed on Friday, and the army resumed military operations.Gaza revealed that a few hours after the start of the battle, more than a hundred people died.

Israeli and Hamas Fire Fire Agreement expired in the morning on Friday (December 1), and Israel accused Hamas of fire on Israeli territory.Evis said that on Friday morning, an intercepting a rocket launched from the plus was launched, and the fighter aircraft fighted the target of Harma for Gaza.

Palestinian media reported that the Israeli army launched an air strike and launching grenade guns on multiple locations in Gaza, and Lafa, near the Egyptian border, was also attacked.AFP and Reuters reporters both said that both northern Gaza and south were hit.The southern cities Lafaya and Khan Yunis were rolling, and they died in both places.

A few hours after the start of the battle, the Ministry of Health of Gaza said that at least eight houses with an air strike of the army caused 109 people to die and at least dozens of people were injured.

The Army later issued a statement, saying that within a few hours, it strikes more than 200 goals including Khanis and Rafa from the northern sides of the sea, land, and air within a few hours.

Last Friday (November 24) , It will be extended after the ceasefire period.7:00 (1 pm Singapore time) expires.Near the end of the ceasefire, the community near the Gaza border suddenly sounded the air alarm.

Harbin is blame the other party to disrupt the ceasefire negotiations.Qatar, who participated in the mediation, said that negotiations with Israel and Palestine's restoration of ceasefire were still ongoing, but Israel's new round of bombing of Gaza made the situation more complicated.

A Human UN Children's Foundation spokesman Elder, a person, posted a video on the social media platform X on Friday, saying that a bomb fell about 50 meters away from the hospital and scolded: "We can't helpSeeing more children being injured by war, being burned, injured and fractured by the shots. This is a war against children. "

Eld said that Harbin must implement permanent ceasefire, seeing the war, and is equivalent to allowing children to kill children.

Brinkeneeee Strengthen Israel to set up a civilian security zone

After the U.S. Secretary of State Brills, after the visit to the Israeli and the west bank of the Jordan River on Thursday (November 30), it is called on Israel to set up a safe zone for the Palestinian civilian civilians in the Gasha Strip.Aid.

Earlier, Brinken told Israeli Prime Minister Neitanahu that the military operations of the Israeli army in southern Gaza should avoid destroying key facilities such as hospitals, power plants, and water supply facilities.Destructive scale and displacement.

Brinken said: "Israel has one of the world's most sophisticated troops. It can eliminate the threat of Hamas, and at the same time to minimize the damage to innocent civilians."

According to Channel 12 of Israel, at a separate meeting of the Cabinet in the battle of Israel, Brincken warned Israel for only a few weeks instead of a few months to complete the plan to destroy Hamas.

The report quoted a source that although it was not required to stop the operation immediately, Brinken expressed concerns. He believed that the longer the high -strength military operations lasted, the greater the pressure on the international community in the United States and Israel, the greater the pressure on the international community in the United States and Israel, the greater the pressure on the international community in the United States and Israel,Essence

According to a ceasefire agreement, Israel requires Hamas to release at least 10 hostages every day, and Israel releases Palestinian prisoners with a ratio of one -to -three.Hamas released eight Israelic hostages on Thursday, and Fang still released 30 Palestinian prisoners.As of Thursday, a total of 78 Israelis, 27 foreigners and 240 Palestinian prisoners were released. Hamas caught approximately 240 Israelic hostages , and it is still detained 162 people.Essence