The U.S. Forbes Double Weekly website published on October 31st entitled to the future navigation -articles defining the top ten global trends in 2024. The author is Bernard Malta, a future scholar and best -selling author.The full text is as follows:

We are approaching the middle of the current decade.In the past ten years, a lot of changes have taken place around the world.The transfer of war, epidemic, economic turmoil, and political power within and international levels all means that the world is different from the beginning of 2020.

These important trends will continue to reshape society, and we can only expect the pace of change.The following is the most important global trend in 2024.These issues will affect the lives of everyone on the planet, and their development will have a profound impact on the second half of the decade or even longer.

The rise of artificial intelligence

In 2024, artificial intelligence will become part of our daily life.No industry or who's life will not be affected by it.Although it will promote innovation and improvement in various fields such as medical care, space travel, and ecological protection, it will also cause a lot of concerns and uncertainty.Although artificial intelligence will definitely create new opportunities, its threat to employment is real.Some people are worried that giving the control of our lives to the algorithm may exacerbate social division and inequality.

Politicalization of climate problems

If we follow science, as we enter 2024, the urgency of avoiding causing climate change is rapidly upgraded.We usually expect technology to play a key role. Innovation such as clean energy and carbon capture will indeed become part of the solution. However, the willingness of individuals and organizations to bear responsibility and the development mode of political and economic trends may be more critical.

Election is full of variables

Elections will bring opportunities to change.In 2024, leadership competition will occur in many regions, and the changes in power balance may have profound global impact.Citizens of the United States, the European Union, India, Britain and Russia will participate in voting.In these countries and regions, the polarization between progress and conservative, nationalist and international parties and voters is becoming increasingly serious.

During the period of economic turmoil

It is expected that global economic growth will continue to slow in 2024, which may cause a wide range of chain reactions to the society in many aspects.During economic difficulties, the government will usually choose to reduce public services and public service expenses, layoffs, decline in living standards, and increasing civil strife.Slow economic growth will also threaten the efforts of countries and international communities to achieve the goal of "carbon and zero", which may have serious consequences.The possibility of economic recession in the United States, the continuous conflict between the Ukrainian war and the Israeli-Hamas are all influencing factor.At the same time, the growth of emerging economies including Brazil, India, Mexico, and Turkey will lead us to a era, and we will witness the overall average of global economic forces.

Working method change

The change of working methods will continue to affect our lives and society in many aspects.Although some companies are implementing policies to return to the office, the situation of long -range and mixed offices will still be much higher than the level before the epidemic.This will improve global liquidity, because workers are no longer limited to living near employment centers.However, this may also strengthen social isolation.

The gap between the generation of wealth

In 2024, the intergenerational gap in the wealth ownership will continue to promote global and social change.A survey in 2023 shows that the median wealth of the same age of the same age is less than half of the median wealth of the infant tide.This may lead to the decline in social liquidity and the polarization of politics, followed by the danger of being attracted by populist or extremist parties without social belonging.

Further urbanization

The United Nations predicts that 66%of the world's population will live in urban areas by 2050, and this proportion in 2022 will be 56%of 56%EssenceAlthough this may promote economic growth and prosperity, it will also bring other challenges, such as excessive crowded, pollution and rising living costs.Governments of various countries also need resources to alleviate the impact of talent loss on the left -behind people.Among the left -behind people, many people have not received enough support in basic services such as power, healthcare, and network connections.

"Cultural War"

The term "cultural war" refers to a continuous social dialogue, usually left party right or liberal partyConservative debates are characterized, and mainly use social media and so -called "traditional media".We have seen more and more that the audience is guided to turn to those content that may confirm their prejudice and also arouse the feeling of injustice or inequality.Disputes are spread through social media, which is increasingly affecting political policies and even encouraging extreme terrorism.

Education change

Education is gone for young people.Fast technological innovation means that many industries will open the door to opportunities.Developed countries are turning to lifelong learning. This part is promoted by the emergence of network and remote learning technology.Employers will increasingly recognize the importance of re -training and improve their skills in employees, and it is even more so in the case of extended life and delayed retirement age leading to labor aging.In emerging economies, as more and more populations get rid of poverty, the needs of teachers will continue to grow.

Immigration problem

From 1970 to 2020, the population living in non -born countries was more than doubled.Many economies will continue to benefit from a large number of young, strong and active workers.The pressure on the possibilities and public services and the concerns of the impact of new immigrants on the local population will continue to exacerbate political differences.Among the developed economies, work, visas and education opportunities are increasingly filled with the gap between skills and trading negotiations with emerging consumer market countries.(Compiled/Zhu Jie)