(Seoul Composite Electric) reported that two ballistic missiles were fired in North Korea on Wednesday (August 30) late at night, and said it was an analog tactical nuclear attack on important South Korean command bases and combat airports to respondJoint military exercises in South Korea and the United States.

The joint meeting of the Chief of Staff of South Korea issued a statement on Thursday (31st) that the Korean Army was 11.40 pm on Wednesday (10:40 pm Singapore time) to 11:50.Two short -range ballistic missiles were launched in the sea.The two missiles fell into the eastern waters after 360 kilometers, and the Korean and American intelligence department has analyzed the specific parameters of the missile.

Japan strongly protests North Korea to test missiles again, and instructs the bomb to believe that it is on the east bank of the Korean Peninsula and is outside the Japanese exclusive economic zone.

Scholars analyze that North Korea chooses to test missiles before midnight, maybe to show that it is capable of launching attacks from different directions at any time, or to complicate the missile tracking and analysis of the western allies.