US officials believe that China decides not to provide more support to Russia, mainly because of the joint efforts of the West against Russia's sanctions alliances, that is, the United States publicly issued warnings, and European leaders are active and direct towards direct towards direct towardsChina convey information, etc.

(Washington Composite Electric) Since the outbreak of the war in Russia, although China and Russia have strengthened their contacts, officials in the United States Treasury have revealed that the United States has not seen evidence that China provides systemic support for Russia in materialism.

U.S. officials believe that China has decided not to provide more support to Russia, mainly because of the joint efforts of the Western Sanctions on Russia, that is, the United States publicly issued warnings, and European leaders actively and direct information to China.

The United States and allies also took more direct actions to sanction a Chinese satellite company providing intelligence to the Russian army in January, and listed some Chinese companies in the US export control list.

A senior official of the US Treasury officials said on Friday (April 7) that partners who imposed sanctions on Russia have found methods to communicate effectively with China to ensure that China will not provide material support to Russia.

Russia purchases materials from Iran in North Korea

The senior official said that so far, China is still reluctant to provide Russia with large -scale and important material support, and Russia is still committed to purchasing materials from North Korea and Iran.

U.S. officials pointed out that Russian President Putin and the government are looking for ways to evade Western sanctions and supplement military reserve, but the United States has not seen evidence that China provides systemic material support to the Kremlin.

In the past month ago, the US intelligence agency disclosed that China had an open attitude towards Russia's request for military and fiscal assistance.In early March, the Pentagon also said that it has not recorded signs of providing lethal weapons to Russia to Russia, but "convinced that China has not completely ruled out this option."

U.S. senior economic officials will visit many countries this month to clarify some governments and enterprises with the risks that may bring material support to Russia.

Brian Nelson, deputy minister of the U.S. Treasury, will head to Switzerland, Italy, Austria, and Germany, and the assistant minister in charge of terrorist financing and financial crimes, Elizabeth Rosenberg willGo to Kazakhstan and Kyrgyzstan.

In addition, at the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank conference later this week, the United States will provide selective opportunities for other countries and companies to meet with senior American intelligence officialinformation.

So far, the United States and Western allies have directly sanctions more than 2,500 Russian companies, government officials, oligarchs, and their families to punish Russia's invasion of Ukraine and the casualties caused by local civilians.