(New York Composite Electric) Former US President Trump was charged with 34 felony felony.The following are some points of the indictment and factual statement:

34 items forgery business records

The indictment lists 34 first -level charges for fake commercial records, each of which can be sentenced to four years in prison.Trump did not plead guilty.

Each crime corresponds to a single discipline recorded by Trump from February to December 2017 to December 2017.

Prosecutors accused of these funds for not being used for legal services as they claimed, but to repay Kon's $ 130,000 fees paid to the porn actress Daniels during the 2016 presidential election.


According to the factual statements attached to the indictment, Trump cooperates with Kon and others to cover up a series of disadvantages that threaten him to run for president.During the process, Trump and others violated the election law.

Be as eye -catching

Prosecutor said that shortly after Trump announced the president, he met with a tabloid publisher David PECKER in August 2015.Peck took the initiative to propose "ears" as Trump's campaign to suppress the exposure to Trump's harmful information.

Perke's President's US Media Corporation (AMI) acknowledged this arrangement in the non -prosecution agreement reached with the Manhattan Prosecutor's Office in 2018.

The story of the gatekeeper

In October or November 2015, Peck learned that the man who had been a gatekeeper at Trump Building claimed that he knew that Trump had an illegitimate child and Peck paid him $ 30,000.AMI later concluded that this was false news.

McCudel Model Model Model

The prosecutor pointed out that AMI paid $ 150,000 to a woman in exchange for her remarks of extramarital affairs with Trump.The prosecution did not disclose the identity of the woman, but she was consistent with the description of the 52 -year -old Playboy model Karen McDougal.McDuder has publicly talked about her relationship with Trump and her arrangements with AMI.

Perke pays the payment after discussion with Cohen and Trump, and believes that Trump will repay him.Trump and Cohen discussed repayment issues in a recording in September 2016 and formulated related plans.But Peck refused to collect the money after consulting the lawyer.

Porn Star Daniels

In October 2016, Peak arranged for Kane and adult film actress Stormy Daniels, and Daniels claimed that she was also dyed with Trump.The two sides reached a consensus on the $ 130,000 sealing fee, but Trump instructed Cohen to open a check until the November election.

Payment and more payment

According to the prosecution record, Cohen finally received $ 131,000 of a net worth credit credit limit in late October 2016, and paid Daniels through a shell company.

After the election, Trump's chief financial officer agreed to repay Cohen's double arrears to pay the expected tax and $ 60,000 a year -end bonus, with a total amount of $ 420,000.

In 2017, Cohen received $ 35,000 a month, which was falsely called legal service costs.

Press Cohen

The prosecutor said that after the Federal official investigated Cohen in April 2018, Trump's general private phone calls and public comments on Twitter stressed to Cohen, asking him not to cooperate.Cohen finally pleaded guilty in August 2018.