A U.S. think tank specifically monitoring North Korea says that according to satellite images, the main nuclear facilities in North Korea have strong signs of activities.As North Korean leader Kim Jong -un recently issued instructions to expand the production of weapon -level nuclear substances, the analysis believes that nuclear reactors may start for this.

The US think tank "north latitude" website pointed out on Saturday (April 1) that it analyzed the satellite images taken on March 3 and 17, and found that the Ningbian light water reaction furnace was built in North Korea, and it has been put into operationEssenceIt says that the 5 MW reaction furnace is running, the cooling system is excreted, and it has also begun to build buildings used to expand the production capacity of Ningbian's uranium concentrated plant.

It says that North Korea's movement is related to Kim Jong -un's instructions to increase production of "weapon -level nuclear materials".

The DPRK Society previously reported that when Kim Jong -un inspected and guided nuclear weapons research and development projects on March 27, he emphasized that it is necessary to expand the output of "weapon -level nuclear materials" and step up the production of nuclear weapons with different power.

38 degrees north latitude website also pointed out that the satellite images on March 17 showed that a building foundation with a length of 42 meters and 15 meters wide appeared near the light water reaction furnace.The building broke the soil in February this year, with a minimum of about 20 rooms.From the perspective of the location, this may be the residence of the reaction furnace operation staff, and it can also provide space for related research and engineering.

In addition, from the image in March, it can be observed that about 75 meters from the light water reaction furnace pump room to drain the water towards Kowloon River.It is not the first time that the light water reaction furnace is not drained, but this implies that the furnace is running.The website believes that the drainage may be related to the test of the light water reaction furnace cooling system, and the possibility of the furnace is more likely to start.

The website also said that the 5 MW reaction furnace of Ningbian nuclear facilities continued to operate from July 2021. The reaction furnace has been under construction.export.

Stein Sheng Center, a special director of the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA), also analyzed satellite photos after analyzing satellite photos. From March 6th to 17th, the region began to build with the past IraqBuildings with similar radioactive waste storage facilities in Turusa area.The scene of basic projects on March 21 is more obvious.

He predicts that this may be to remove facilities that can collect information related to unscobrot (nuclear substances) that can be collected, or to completely hide the old waste storage houses, and start to build a new building in the region to build a new building.

North Korea has more political activities in April, including the Sun Festival (111st anniversary of the birthday of the Sun Richeng) (15th), and the 91st anniversary of the founding of the Korean People's Revolutionary Army (25th).In addition, Han Meizou will hold a summit on April 26.Analysis pointed out that North Korea is very likely to be provocative.

In addition, the North Korean Society said on Sunday (2nd), "Do not forget North Korea's ability to support nuclear attacks." This implies that North Korea will continue to adopt provocative military operations with high -strength Korean and American joint military exercises.

American and Korean experts are worried that as North Korea ’s nuclear technology has made progress, it will conduct seventh nuclear test in the short term.