More than a thousand scientific and technological experts have issued an open letter to warn artificial intelligence risks, calling on the suspension of training more powerful than GPT-4, one of the founder of Microsoft, one of the OPENAI Gold Lord Bill,· Gates believes that the suspension of artificial intelligence development does not solve future challenges in this field.

(Montreal Composite Electric) ChatGPT, an artificial intelligence chat robot developed by American Artificial Intelligence Research Company OpenAI, has recently caused a lot of controversy, causing governments and regulatory officials to pay attention to their privacy, data security and other issues, and implement banning and development.investigation.

Canada on Tuesday (April 4) announced an investigation into OpenAI.The Canadian Privacy Commissioner's Office said they received complaints on OPENAI, saying that the company "collected, used and disclosed personal information without consent."

The Canadian Privacy Commissioner Dufelina said: "We must keep up with and lead the rapid development technology. This is one of the key areas I focus on."

Openai's ChatGPT launched in November last year caused a sensation globally.Experts are worried that improper use of ChatGPT may cause problems such as leaking data privacy and infringing intellectual property rights.Openai released a stronger chat robot GPT-4 in March this year.

Italy has temporarily disabled ChatGPT earlier, becoming the first Western country to ban this artificial intelligence chat tool.

However, the Italian Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Infrastructure Salvini said on Tuesday that if the ban on ChatGPT is not lifted as soon as possible, Italy's competitiveness will be affected because ChatGPT is a tool used by many young people and startups.

Italy's ban on ChatGPT has prompted other European countries to discuss whether it is necessary to take stricter measures to control this increasingly popular chat robot and whether to coordinate the control operations of various countries.

The regulatory agencies in France and Ireland have contacted Italian officials, hoping to have more understanding of the Italian ban.German data protection commissioner told local newspapers that ChatGPT may be disabled based on data security considerations.

Sweden has no plan to disable ChatGPT for the time being.Spain said it has not yet received any complaints about ChatGPT, but it does not rule out the possibility of investigating in the future.

U.S. President Biden believes that it remains to be observed whether artificial intelligence is dangerous for society.In the meeting with the White House with the technology consultant on Tuesday, "In my opinion, technology companies have the responsibility to ensure that they are safe before launching products."

Biden said that artificial intelligence can help respond to extremely difficult challenges such as diseases and climate change, but it is also important to deal with potential risks of artificial intelligence in social, economic and national security.He once again called on Congress to restrict the collection of personal data and prohibit advertisements for children through legislation on privacy, and prioritize health and safety during product development.

Microsoft founder Bill Gates believes that suspending the development of artificial intelligence does not solve the future challenges in this field.More than a thousand scientific and technological experts recently issued an open letter to warn artificial intelligence in risk, and called on Gates for the first time after the suspension of training than GPT-4 more powerful artificial intelligence systems than GPT-4.Microsoft is one of the gold owners of Openai.

Gates said in an interview with Reuters on Monday that the suspension of development can not really solve the problem, and it is not practical. It is best to focus on how the best use of artificial intelligence.