(Sydney / Singapore Road Power Power) signs and data of the real estate market in many countries in Asia shows that after the three years of crown disease in China strictly prevent and control, a large number of Chinese funds have begun to flow abroad.

Reuters reports that the demand for Chinese people is one of the driving forces for the rise in property prices in Singapore. Chinese students return to the property market in Sydney, Australia and Melbourne, and Chinese buyers' interest in Thai real estate has begun to rise.

Although there are not many preliminary data on the outflow of China's capital, there have been signs that the demand for capital outflows in China is because the Chinese have weak confidence in local real estate, and the government tax regulations and criticism of wealth accumulation have also made them have also made the accumulation of wealth accumulation.Overseas investment is more attractive.

Real estate company Jalin Realty said that for a long time, many Chinese people have the habit of transferring some wealth to foreign countries."After the border is released, the consultation from real estate investors from Asia has doubled, of which the most Chinese customers ... especially Chinese students who want to study in Australia." This real estate company is in China, Australia, Malaysia and Singapore.There are business.

Singapore accounting company CS Corp, which provides immigration consulting services, said that China ’s extremely strict epidemic prevention measures during the epidemic period have allowed many Chinese people to rethink the future life direction. Investment abroad is an option.

The accounting company said that when many Chinese people consider investing in overseas real estate, they will give priority to Singapore, and the Chinese have therefore become the largest foreign buyer in Singapore's real estate.

In addition to Singapore, the Chinese also like to invest in real estate in Canada.However, after the Canadian government implemented a two -year -old purchase of residential properties on January 1 this year, the Chinese began to turn their attention to Thailand.

A company marketing manager who specializes in overseas real estate in Shenzhen said that since the border is open, many Chinese people have traveled to Thailand, and they are also interested in local real estate.The real estate in Thailand and Malaysia is relatively cheap, even cheaper than Chinese third -tier cities, so it has attracted Chinese buyers.