(Washington Composite Electric) The United States and India launches key and new technical partnerships to share advanced defense and computer technology, which aims to compete with China in terms of military equipment, semiconductor and artificial intelligence.

Mei will set up a telephone network on the South Asia to compete with Huawei

The White House National Security Counselor Shalvin and Indian National Security Consultant Dorval on Tuesday (January 31) met with senior officials on both sides in the White House, and officially launched this new U.S. and India initiative.

The goal of the Biden government is to allow more Western mobile phone networks to set up strongholds in South Asia and other South Asian sub -regions in India to check and balance China Huawei.The United States also welcomes more experts in Indian computer chips (also known as chips) to the United States, and encourages companies to cooperate in military equipment such as artillery systems.

This plan was initially launched in May 2022 and called the "Key and Emerging Technical Initiative of the United States and India". The details were announced on Tuesday. The content was in line with the overall goal of Washington to strengthen the military, technology and supply chain connection with partners.

Shalvin said that China's geopolitical challenges will not be the only push factor in the framework, but he pointed out that Beijing's radical military operations and economic behaviors have had a profound impact on the ideas of New Delhi and other countries around the world.

Salavin and Doma Valle participated in the activities held with the executives of the United States and Indian technology companies and the president of the university on Monday.National Chamber of Commerce.The three -day journey of Dawal ends on Wednesday.He will also talk to U.S. Secretary of State Brillings.

General Electric applies to the US government for approval with India's compatible gas production engine

One of the areas of interest in India is the jet engine of domestic General Electric Corporation, which is used for its fighter.General Electric is asking the US government to approve the production of air -jet engines with India, which will provide motivation for aircraft operating and produced in India.The White House said that the government is reviewing.

In addition, the content of this initiative also includes cooperation in the fields of artillery systems, armored infantry vehicles and maritime safety, as well as semiconductor, quantum computing and artificial intelligence.The two countries have also established a quantum technology coordination mechanism, agreed to establish a working group by India's semiconductor delegation, the Indian Electronics Semiconductor Association (IESA) and the US Semiconductor Industry Association (SIA) to promote the development of semiconductor ecosystems.

India said that the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) will cooperate with the National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) on human space flight and other projects.