Abe is assassinated follow -up

Japan will not have Congress elections in the next three years, Kishida is peaceful to the Prime Minister until 2025.The conservatives of Japan called for him to seize the three years of golden time to promote constitutional amendments.

Japanese Prime Minister Kishi Tian Wenxiong vowed to inherit the former Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's three legacy, and promised to promote constitutional amendments to Congress as soon as possible.

Japan Sunday (July 10) Senate elections settled. Among the 125 re -elected seats, the Liberal Democratic Party won 63 seats, more than half, which can be said to be a huge victory.The Constitutional Party faced 95 seats this time, plus 84 non -re -election seats, totaling 179, more than two -thirds (166 seats).The constitutional amendment forces include the four parties of independence, Gongming, Weiye, and the National Uniform MPs who are active in constitutional amendments.

Japan will not have Congress elections in the next three years, and Kishida will be peaceful to the Prime Minister to 2025.The conservatives of Japan called for him to seize the three years of golden time to promote constitutional amendments.

Kishida held a press conference at the Liberal Democratic Party headquarters on Monday, and he stated that "it will advance the constitutional amendment to this step as soon as possible."He believes that the results of the Senate reflect the public opinion facing the constitutional amendment. As the President of the Liberal Democratic Party, he is determined to dominate the discussion in Congress.

He pointed out, "In the process of promoting the discussion of Congress, we need to get two -thirds of support on specific issues, rather than whether it is modified."Nine articles, as well as an emergency clause involving large -scale disasters and being attacked by military force in other countries.

In view of the deterioration of the environmental security environment, Kishida once again pointed out that "will fundamentally strengthen defense in five years."He listed the war between Russia and Ukraine, emphasizing the impact of "emergencies", and stating that the party would unite in response.

Japanese media survey: people attach more attention to people's livelihood issues

Japanese media surveys show that people attach more importance to people's livelihood issues.Kishida said: "This time it won the election campaign, it must not be relaxed. Japan is currently in the most difficult situation since World War II. In addition to cope with the crown disease epidemic, there are also inflation and energy tensions."

Kishida will start to organize a new government. It is expected that he will implement the reorganization of the cabinet in August and September.According to the analysis of the Nikkei, after the death of the Liberal Democratic Party leader Abe, the situation in the party changed, and the subsequent power of the Abe was unstable.In a series of personnel arrangements, people are concerned about whether the Vice President of Liberal Democratic Party, Mona Muminchi, and Cabinet Secretary -General Matsuno Matsuna stay in office.Abe's younger brother, the Minister of Defense, Kishidu, the Minister of Economy and Industry, who belongs to Abe, will also be the focus of the appointment of Gao Shimiao, the president of Abe supported by Abe.

Bloomberg analysis pointed out that the "Golden Three Years" has created a larger space for Kishida to implement more fair and environmentally friendly "new capitalism". He does not need to change economic policies including central bank stimulus measures in a short time.

Sony Financial Group Analyst, Morimoto Taro, said: "The results of the election reflect the support of the people on the other side of the people, which may make him easier to maintain a loose monetary policy during the office of the President of the Bank of Japan."

Kishida will announce new assistance supporting facilities for the rise of energy and food prices. From China, it can be seen that Kishida's determination to continue "Abe Economics" or open up his own path is relatively large.Kishida advocates more fair income to make economic growth more sustainable.The details of his "new capitalism" vision are unknown, but it includes measures to promote the transformation of the Japanese economy to green and achieve emission goals.

According to the news of the current affairs news agency from Washington, the Liberal Democratic Party has obtained a solid foundation for governing, making Washington feel at ease.It is reported that when the United States knows that Abe is killed, the most worrying thing is that the policy created by Abe will retreat, and he is also worried that the Japanese and American alliances and the strengthening of the Japanese military route will be shaken.When the US President Biden called on July 9, he emphasized the free and open Indo -Pacific policy and the Quad Security Dialogue (QUAD) as Abe's immortal heritage.