(El Palace Comprehensive Television) The Seventh Kingdom Group announced on Sunday that about $ 600 billion was raised within five years to assist in the development of infrastructure in poor countries and competed with the China Belt and Road Initiative.

The Seventh Kingdom Group (G7) launched a three -day talks at the El Palace Hotel in Bavaria, Bavaria, Germany.On the first day of the summit, the leaders of the Seven Kingdoms announced the launch of the "The Partnership for Global Infrastruction and Investment (PGII), which raised 600 billion US dollars (about 830.9 billion yuan) private and public funds by 2027.Provide financing for infrastructure projects in developing countries.Among them, the United States raised US $ 200 billion, and the remaining members raised $ 400 billion.

Although there is no name for China, this announcement obviously refers to China.President Biden said that PGII will let countries see the specific benefits of becoming a partner with democratic countries.He emphasized: "This is not a assistance or charity project, but an investment that can bring rewards to everyone." He said that when democratic shows everything they can provide, "we will win every time." <"

The Chairman of the European Commission Feng Delin said: "We have the responsibility to provide the world with positive and powerful investment motivation, and show our partners in the development world that they have options."

The White House said that raising $ 600 billion is just the beginning. "The United States and G7 partners will also seek hundreds of billions of dollars of additional funds from other like -minded partners, multilateral development banks, development financial institutions, sovereignty wealth funds and other channels."

This is the initiative of the "Rebuilding the Better World" initiative announced a year ago, and Biden once again tried to check and balance China's influence on the development of the world.Unlike the Belt and Road Initiative, PGII mainly relies on private funds.

U.S. officials said that many countries participating in the Belt and Road are now regretted. They found that Beijing is more enthusiastic about establishing a foothold for economic and geographical strategy, rather than benefiting the local people.PGII can effectively improve the beneficiary economy and bring lasting benefits.

China: Welcome to promote global infrastructure initiative but oppose discredit the Belt and Road words and deeds

Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs spokesman Zhao Lijian said at a regular press conference on Monday that China has always welcomed all initiatives to promote global infrastructure construction."We believe that related initiatives do not have the problem of mutual replacement, but we oppose the banner of infrastructure construction, promote geopolitical calculations, and discredit the words and deeds of the Belt and Road Initiative."

In response to the setting of debt traps in China, Zhao Lijian said that the United States was the true manufacturer of debt trap.He said that the US expansion monetary policy, the lack of regulatory financial innovation, and maliciously short -term behaviors have exacerbated the debt burden of developing countries.

The summit focuses on the Russian and Ukraine War. According to the draft statement obtained by Bloomberg, the G7 will promise to provide support for the Russian army for the Russian army indefinitely.

Bynden urged countries to continue to be united on Sunday.He pointed out that Russian President Putin has always hoped that NATO and G7 will be split, but they will not split.

G7 member states have agreed to prohibit the import of gold from Russia, but analysts believe that this is "largely symbolic" because the previous sanctions have limited gold flow.

According to people familiar with the matter, G7 also discusses Russia's oil prices through implementation measures for insurance and shipping.Such a mechanism will only allow transportation to Russian crude oil and petroleum products that are lower than the agreed threshold.