(Washington / Singapore Comprehensive) The United States and China are expected to confront a series of topics such as Taiwan issues and the Russian and Ukraine war at the Shangri -La dialogue today (June 10).

Shangri -La dialogue (referred to as Xianghui) was held in my country from today to the day after tomorrow. US Defense Minister Austin and Chinese Defense Minister Wei Fenghe will meet during the meeting.

A senior official in the United States revealed that the focus of the US -China Defense Ministers' Conference is how to deal with the competition between the two countries and the world.Chinese media said that Beijing will use this meeting to discuss Sino -US cooperation.

Beauty borrowing incense will criticize Sino -Russian strategic partnership

In the past few months, Sino -US relations have continued to be tense, which has made countries deeply pay attention to the issues of Taiwan's issues, China's military activities in the South China Sea, and the continuous expansion of China ’s influence on the Pacific.Essence

China Defense Policy and Military Modernization Senior Researcher Novins said: "This year's important topics are undoubtedly competition between China and the United States, the modernization of the People's Liberation Army, and the toughness of China in the past two years.The new sense of urgency. "

The senior defense analyst at the US Think Tank Randan said: "The United States is particularly concerned about Taiwan, and China’ s increasing tough gesture in India. "

Analysts believe that the United States will use the Shangri -La dialogue to criticize the relationship between China and Russia.Li Mingjiang, an associate professor at the Nanyang University of Technology Rajernan International Research Institute in Singapore, said: "U.S. officials will take the opportunity to criticize the strategic partnership between China and Russia. We will see that the China -Russia partnership relationship is regarded as some inferences of the dictatorship ..., China will defend their relationship with Russia, defend their positions and policies in the Ukrainian incident. "

U.S. President Biden once again stated that once China attacked Taiwan, the United States will intervene in military.Although Washington has not changed the US policy after the Washington, Washington does not support Taiwan's independence, this has attracted worldwide attention.Because for a long time, Washington has always adopted a strategic vague policy for whether he will use military power.

North Korean military threats intensify incense will discuss

Today, the Pacific islands have gradually become another region of the United States and China. The two countries have launched frequent diplomacy here.

As for North Korea, this year has conducted at least 18 weapon tests to show its continuous development of nuclear weapons and missiles, and the military threats formed are increasing.American, Japanese, and South Korean officials pointed out the day before yesterday that North Korea's recent missile tests are "serious and illegal" provocations, which will also be another problem that the Shangri -La dialogue must be discussed.

The United States has a window, but the United States needs to prove that it can lead a competition, not just trying to trip over China.

-The Director of the Southern Asian Project of Washington Strategy and International Research Center

In addition, Bloomberg analyzed that China insists on clearing the zero policy and tough foreign policy in order to curb the crown disease epidemic, which is making China lose points in Asia and providing an opportunity for the United States to consolidate Asian relations.

The Director of the Southeast Asian project of Washington Strategy and the International Research Center of Washington said: "The United States has a window, but the United States needs to prove that it can dominate a competition, not just trying to trip over China."

Analysis said that although many countries want the United States to balance China, they do not want to be sandwiched in the middle or forced to choose a border station.

Corinthon, a researcher at the Australian Research Institute of Sydney University of Science and Technology, said: "Asian countries and other countries are now more vigilant. If any country is forced to choose, they will be more careful to weigh the weight."