(Seoul Composite Electric) data from the South Korean Institute of Defense shows that North Korea's testing missiles this year may spend as much as $ 650 million.

As North Korea is currently responding to the domestic crown disease, North Korean leader Kim Jong -un also closed the border for this, which may further exacerbate the problem of local food shortage.

Data compiled by the Korean Institute of Defense show that North Korea is expected to spend 40 million to 650 million US dollars (about 550 million to S $ 894 million) to build and test 33 missiles testing this year.

The research institute analyzed that the money was enough to purchase Pfizer Vaccine with 20 million to 32.5 million doses, and at least 79%of Korean residents vaccinated vaccines.Based on Pyongyang's rice price, this money is enough to purchase 510,000 to 840,000 tons of rice.

Try to shoot an intercontinental ballistic missile cost of about 30 million US dollars


Analysis report pointed out that every time North Korea made a test of an intercontinental ballistic missile this time this time, the cost can be as high as about 30 million US dollars.

The short -range ballistic missiles of North Korea are priced at $ 5 million each, which is about half of Russia's estimated costs for Russia's flowers on similar missiles.

The request to bring together the report of the report of the Korean ruling party, Shen Yuanzhang, described that the guided missile cost of North Korea shows that Pyongyang is not distinguished under Kim Jong Un's leadership.He said: "In the final analysis, this is a tragedy for the Korean people."

North Korea launched eight short -range ballistic missiles on Sunday, which not only reached a high number of aircraft missiles, but also made Kim Jong -un's launch of the number of missiles in one year to reach a record level.

Sanctioning North Korea's issue Sino -Russian and the United States at the United University

North Korea's frequent test of missile missiles has caused the situation on the Korean Peninsula to heat up. China and Russia conducted confrontation with the United States at the UN General Assembly on Wednesday.

The two countries accused the United States of provoking the tension of the Korean Peninsula at the meeting, but the United States questioned whether China and Russia had a strategic partnership that China and Russia survived the global security.

The United Nations University is to review the veto of the draft sanctions on the draft sanction of the North Korean decision on the end of last month.

China's permanent representative of the United Nations, Zhang Jun, pointed out that the tension of the Korean Peninsula "developed to the point of today is mainly because of the repeated US policy" and called for relaxation of sanctions on North Korea.

Russia's permanent representative of the United Nations, Yafus, Gegineva, said that North Korea needs more humanity assistance, and the West should stop blame the tension on Pyongyang's head.

North Korea ’s explanation of missile tests on the guidelines emphasized that the UN Charter clause“ clearly stipulates that each country has the inherent rights of individual or collective self -defense ”.

The United States Deputy Ambassador to the United Nations Draordis said that the proposal of existing sanctions and expansion of sanctions is a direct response to North Korea's behavior, and it is said that the explanation of China and Russia's veto power is inadequate, unreliable, and cannot be unreliable.Confused is not for the collective security and guarantee of the international community.