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(Morning News) Thousands of truck drivers in South Korea continued their strikes on Thursday (June 9th) to protest the strike of fuel costs to enter the third day.A new risk of global supply chain may be formed.

Reuters reported that the Ministry of Communications of Korea said that about 7,200 truck drivers or 30 % of freight truck drivers united the union members to participate in strikes.This is also the first major economic challenge faced by South Korea ’s new president Yin Xiyue.

A union representative said that the number of union members participating in the strike is much higher than the number of people, and there are other truck drivers who have not joined the union to join the strike.

Korean steel manufacturer Posco pointed out that since the start of the strike, it has not been able to transport about 35,000 metric tons of steel products from two factories every day, equivalent to one -third of the daily shipments.

According to the Yonhap News Agency, the production of the modern car Ulshan factory was disturbed due to the refusal to transport parts and components.Modern car refuses to comment on this incident.

A official of the Ministry of Communications said that the shipments of some products including steel and cement have declined.However, South Korea has not seen the "serious logistics interruption", and the government is meeting with relevant industry officials to prevent this.

Local officials also said that some ports have felt the impact of strike.South Korea's Busan Port Authority said that a emergency group has been established since Monday (6) and has prepared additional storage space outside the port.At present, the container occupation rate of ports is 76.3%, which is higher than 73.9%two days ago.

These truck drivers are regarded as individual business contractors in South Korea.They are seeking salary increases and asking the government to extend the emergency measures to ensure shipping costs launched during the epidemic. This measure will expire in December.

The union representative Jin Zaiguang said: "Due to the soaring fuel prices, the government has not taken sufficient measures to protect our livelihood ... The monthly salary of large cargo vehicle drivers is about 3 million to 4 million won (S $ 3282 to 4378), But they may need to pay an additional fuel cost of 3 million won. "

According to reports, the police have arrested more than 20 people, including the union members who block the gate of a brewery in Seoul.