(Morning News) Recently, the number of cases of hepatitis in children with unknown causes of unknown causes in many countries in the world has increased abnormally.Tan Desai, Director -General of the World Health Organization, said on Wednesday (June 8) that 700 suspected cases of acute hepatitis in children in children in the world have occurred in the world.

Tan Desai said that 34 countries and regions have reported to WHO a suspected case of children's acute hepatitis of children with unknown causes, and 112 related cases are under investigation.Among them, at least 38 liver transplantation is required, and there are currently 10 death cases.

WHO is working with various countries to study the causes. There are usually five viruses that can cause hepatitis, but these viruses have not been detected in these cases.

A communication article published by the British Medical Journal of the British Medical Collection of Medicine and Gastrointestinal Diseases and liver disease Recently, the pathogenesis mechanism of the pathogenesis: this hepatitis may be mediated with crown disease super antigen media mediaImmune activation is associated and induced disease due to merging adenovirus.

The article says that the source of infectious sources is still the most likely cause of hepatitis of children in children.But so far, patients have not been detected in the body of A, B, C, Ding, and Hepatitis.72%of British patients who were tested adenovirus detection of prostate virus were detected by genetic technology using genetic technology to type virus types of 18 patients. These 18 samples contained 41 adenovirus.

Before more information is clearer, WHO recommends general measures to prevent and control infections, including to keep hand hygiene with disinfection of soap and water or alcohol;Keep a certain distance from others; ensure good indoor ventilation; wear masks; follow safe food treatment and cooking methods.

Academician of the Russian Academy of Sciences and PhD in Medicine, Gennato, said that in order to avoid children infected with unknown hepatitis, they should refuse to go to countries with dangerous infection.If you have to go, you should choose the place of residence carefully and pay attention to the quality of food and water.