The U.S. State Department emphasized the special representative of the North Korea policy that North Korea's return to the nuclear negotiations is still open. As long as North Korea is willing to return to diplomatic channels, the United States is willing to talk to North Korea with a more comprehensive, flexible and open attitude.

He said that the preparation of Fengxi Li, North Korea, and nuclear tests can be performed at any time.Although it is impossible to properly predict the nuclear test, I hope they will not conduct nuclear tests.

He pointed out that North Korea has launched 31 ballistic missiles this year, breaking the record of launching 25 missiles in 2019.

If North Korea forcibly promotes the seventh nuclear test, as the Deputy Secretary of State Sherman said, the United States will make a "rapid and powerful" response.

Venus said that the United States maintains (for North Korea) diplomatic contact commitments.

"We will be committed to pursuing completely nuclearization of the peninsula. In order to solve the problems that the two parties worry, we will continue to explore feasible diplomatic channels."

He said that last year, the United States continued to convey dialogue information to North Korea, including information sent by seniors sent to senior officials in North Korea, and sent information through direct or third or written ways.Recently, it also conveyed the intention of providing crown aid to North Korea, but North Korea has not responded.

He said that even if he complies with diplomatic commitments, in order to protect the United States and allies, he will continue to adopt measures to maintain strong curb strategies, the UN Security Council resolution, and separate sanctions on North Korea.

U.S. State Council spokesman Price said at a press conference on the 6th that North Korea may conduct seventh nuclear test within a few days.

Gracey, director of the International Atomic Energy Agency, also said on the same day: "We observed a signs of re -opening of the tunnel of the Fengxi Lili Test site in North Korea, which may be prepared for nuclear tests."