Approaching the Ukrainian capital, it is reported that the first troops have penetrated into Kiev on Friday.The United Nations Refugee Agency warned that if the war continued, 5 million refugees may emerge in Ukraine, and the countries around them were affected by the impact of refugees.At this spread of flames, Chinese President Xi Jinping said that it supports Russia and Ukraine to solve the problem through negotiations; Putin responded to this and is willing to conduct high -level negotiations with Ukraine.

The Ukrainian Ministry of Defense said on Friday afternoon that the Russian army had appeared in Obolon, northwest of Kiev.According to Agence France -Presse, a pioneer of the Russian army has penetrated.Witnesses saw two unknown armored vehicles passing by, and they also saw two corpses of Russian soldiers.Ukrainian soldiers present were not allowed to come forward to check.

It is only about 12 kilometers from the Presidential Palace of Ukraine.

According to reports, Kiev sent out twice in the morning on Friday morning, and many houses were affected.The Ukraine Ministry of Defense predicts that the Russian army will open to the periphery of Kiev on Friday.Ukrainian officials have mobilized soldiers and waited in the capital and outside the capital.The official also called on the public to resist, in addition to notifying the Russian army's trend, it also made gasoline bombs to attack the enemy.

A spokesman for the Russian Ministry of Defense Konacopov yesterday also reported that the Russian army successfully implemented airborne operations in the Gosttomeli Airport area in Kiev, and more than 200 helicopters participated in the operation.At present, the main force of the Russian airborne soldiers has closed Kestu at the Gostomeli Airport with the previous airborne soldiers and blocked Kiev from the west side.The Russian Ministry of Defense also said that the pro -Russian troops in the east are also advancing under the support of the Russian army.

The Russian army south south of the north also captured the Chelnobeli nuclear power plant, which was abandoned for decades, and analyzed that the Russian army captured the nuclear power plant because it was in a strategic place.With this route, the Russian army can open the fastest to Kiev.

The current situation is obviously not good for Ukraine.Western senior intelligence officials pointed out that the Ukraine air defense system has basically been destroyed.Russia said that by yesterday, the Russian army destroyed 118 Ukrainian military facilities, including 11 military airports, 13 command and communications centers, 14 S-300 aircraft missile launchers, and 36 radar.

Europe and the United States reiterate not willing to intervene

Although the situation in Ukraine is critical, the United States and European countries reiterate that they have no willingness to intervene.

The British armed forces Hipei answered a question in the British House of Commons on Friday, "The British and NATO troops should not play an active role in Ukraine."

US defense in the United StatesThe ministry only announced that 7,000 US military to Germany would be added within a few days to ensure the safety of NATO allies.This will increase the number of U.S. troops in Europe to 10,000.

Ukrainian President Zelezki criticized the sanctions of the United States and European countries that did not stop the Russian army stopped. He urged the European Union to accelerate and increase sanctions on Russia on Friday.EU leaders agreed to impose a new round of sanctions on Russia earlier, but Ukraine seemed to be dissatisfied; France revealed last night that the EU Finance Minister agreed to further increase sanctions, and for this reason, it was not expected.

Zelei Sky said that he would never succumb to the posture, and also said that he was willing to talk to Russia and discuss Russian military operations.The Ukrainian Presidential Office also said that Ukraine is preparing to discuss the neutral position of Ukraine with Russia.

Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov said at a press conference on the 25th that as long as the Ukrainian armed forces put down their weapons, Russia can negotiate at any time.Russian Presidential Press Secretary Peskov announced to the media on the evening of the 25th that Putin was preparing to send a delegation to Minsk, the capital of Broas to negotiate with the Ukraine delegation."However, it is understood that Ukraine suggested that the meeting was held in Warsaw, Poland, and there was no response afterwards.Russia and Ukraine solve the problem through negotiations. According to CCTV, Putin said in response that Russia is willing to conduct high -level negotiations with Ukraine.

Khan estimates that if Ukraine's war continues, the number of escapes may be as many as 5 million. Since the Russian army has attacked, Ukraine estimates that 100,000 people have escaped.People cross the border. On Friday, tens of thousands of Ukrainian women and children continued to cross the border into Poland, Romania, Hungary and Slovakia.