Russia launched an attack from Ukraine from sea, land and air on Thursday, and Ukraine, and Ukraine on Thursday.This is the largest attack operation in Europe since World War II.

Reuters reports that although the United States' sanctions on a head of state are rare, it is not unprecedented.Earlier, Venezuelan President Madro and Syrian President Assad were also listed as sanctions on the United States.

Pusaki said that this means that Biden resolutely wants to cooperate with "our European partners."

The US White House press secretary Pusky said on Friday that the coordinated operation of Putin's sanctions was designed to pass an important signal.She added that Biden made a decision to sanctify Putin, Raferov and other officials after calling with the European Commission's chairman Feng Delin, and said that the incident was "already on the table".time".

(Morning News) The United States announced on Friday (February 25) that the Russian President Putin and Russian Foreign Minister Lavrov announced their pressure on the invasion of Ukraine.

After the President of Ukrainian President Zelezi called on the West to impose stronger sanctions on Russia, EU countries and the United Kingdom earned an agreement on the assets of frozen Putin and Rafrov in Europe on Friday.