President Zeleki's consultant Podoliak said that the Russian army may set up bases at various important locations as a bridgehead for replacing the government."Russia may allow the airborne forces to perform tasks and try to enter the government's door. One of the goals is to remove the highest official."The air force and air defense bases that destroyed Ukraine were destroyed by missiles, and after large -scale ground operations to suppress Ukraine's resistance.Some military experts have already expected this lightning attack tactics.From the perspective of the current situation, it is generally believed that the Russian President Putin is going to be more for the Ukrainian regime by mobilizing the battle, and will not stop to occupy a region that he has recognized the independent Donbass separation forces.

After the Russian army entered Ukraine, it was like a bamboo. Some Russian forces had advanced to the suburbs of Kharkiv, the second largest city in Ukraine, and another army had controlled the airport outside the capital Kiev.

President Zeleki, a consultant of Ukrainian President, said that the Russian army may set up bases at various important places as bridgeheads to replace the government."Russia may allow the airborne forces to perform tasks and try to enter the government's door. One of the goals is to remove the highest official."A chairman Nicino has already pointed out that Russia's goal is to build a new government that is friendly to Moscow.

English expert: Putin launched an offense to correct historical errors

Eurasian security and defense expert Boolean at the Institute of Chatham International Affairs of London Think TankGe believes that Putin's goal is not just a region that is separated by forces, because in Putin's statement published before the war, most of the time emphasized that Ukraine does not have the legitimacy of becoming a country."This is the way he talks about Ukraine. He was showing to the Russians that he launched an offense to correct historical errors."

House Chairman of the U.S. House Intelligence Commission, Heroes, said that the battle of Russia and Ukraine fell down, butIt will be a "long and bloody battle".The Russian Ministry of Defense stated that more than 70 military facilities in Ukraine have been destroyed, including airports, command posts, naval bases and radar stations to paralyze the Ukrainian army.

US defense officials revealed that Russia's heavy hammer attacked, and the first wave of attacks dispatched 75 heavy and medium -sized bombers, as well as more than 100 different types of missiles.

US experts: Can't afford long -term Russia to achieve the goal with Lightning War

The Washington National Defense Policy Think Tank Jamestown Foundation (Jamestown Foundation) Russian military militaryExpert Philgenhar said that Russia cannot afford long -term warfare, so it will achieve the goal with lightning war.

Philgenhar said that Putin wants to destroy the combat effectiveness of the Ukrainian army, not to occupy Ukraine."This means to completely disintegrate the Ukrainian army and remove weapons, and turn Ukraine into a buffer, so that Russia can do whatever they want without any resistance. Putin has already said that territory is a secondary issue."

U.S. retired general Hodis also has the same view.He pointed out that if the attack has a population of 2.8 million people, it will need to conduct several months of urban warfare and use all Russia's manpower.He said that according to US experience, to capture a building -sized building, it requires a battalion for strength, that is, 700 to 800."I think this is not feasible."