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(Morning News) Myanmar Ambassador to the United Nations Ambassador Swallow, the US government wants to sanction the Burmese military and should lock the target of state -owned enterprises, including Myanmar oil and gas companies and banks.

Reuters reported that Jue Mojin met with the US House of Representatives Foreign Affairs Committee on Tuesday (4th). He told the committee that in addition to the Myanmar Oil and Gas Corporation (Moge), the United States should also sanction myself, Innwa Bank and Myanmar Foreign Trade Bank (MFTB).

Jue Mo swallowed: "What I want to emphasize is that in this crisis, Myanmar not only suffered huge setbacks in the pursuit of democracy, but also threatened the peace and security of the region in the region."

Myanmar Oil and Gas Corporation cooperates with a number of international companies to develop offshore oil fields. Foreign companies that cooperate with them include the US Chevron Energy Corporation (Chevron) and the French Total Company (Total).Foreign Exchange Trading.

After the Myanmar military launched a coup on February 1 to overthrow the election government, Juemo Tun, who sent the United Nations to publicly confront the military.Sexual sanctions urged countries to suspend investment in Myanmar until the Myanmar election government returned to governance.

Myanmar State -owned TV Station said on February 27 that Jue Momo had been fired by the military.However, Jue Monmo submitted a letter to the UN General Assembly President Bozker and US Secretary of State Brillings, indicating that he is still a representative of the United Nations in Myanmar.