In addition to the Liaoning aircraft carriers who have recently sailed to the East China Sea, the Chinese Navy rarely launched the "double aircraft carrier tour" at the same time.Scholars interviewees and judged, which reflects China's strong concerns about the Taiwan Strait and the South China Navy's military.

With the frequent actions of the United States and its allies in the South China Sea in recent months, the Chinese Navy yesterday (May 2) confirmed that the Shandong ship carrier formation has been sent to the South China Sea for training.Heating up.

In addition to the Liaoning aircraft carrier formation to the East China Sea recently, the Chinese Navy rarely launched the "double aircraft carrier tour" at the same time.Scholars interviewees and judged, which reflects China's strong concerns about the Taiwan Strait and the South China Navy's military.Facing the pressure of the United States, China also intentionally highlights its determination to promote the strategy of promoting the "Shuang Ocean" (Pacific Ocean and the Indian Ocean).

The Ministry of National Defense posted news on the official website yesterday, saying that the Chinese Navy organized the Shandong ship carrier formation according to the annual work plan to conduct routine training in the South China Sea.The ability to develop interests, as well as maintaining regional peace and stability.The Chinese Ministry of National Defense "hopes that the outside world will take the exercise objectively and rationally" and show that the Chinese Navy will still organize similar training activities as planned in the future.

When the Chinese Navy announced the launch of the Liaoning ship at the beginning of last month, it also used the same expression to indicate that the "normal organization is similar to training activities".

The US President Biden's co -coearantic sea pressure strategy has become more and more in the South China Sea in recent months.French media reported as early as February this year that France will send submarines this month to participate in the South China Sea on the way to the United States and Japan's joint military exercises.The United Kingdom also announced on the 26th that the newly -entered -commissioned large -scale ship -aircraft carrier Bai Queen's battle group will be available for the first time. It is believed that it will pass through the South China Sea.

The Philippines of the Southeast Asian allies in the United States protested last month that Beijing did not withdraw from the Niuba Reef Sea. It was believed that nearly 200 vessels operated by Chinese maritime militia stated that the Philippines would not evacuate patrol boats in the area.

The direct friction of China and the United States in the South China Sea also continued to heat up.Last month in the United States announced a photo of the Captain Masting, the captain of the Berke -class missile destroyer, to monitor the Chinese aircraft carrier Liaoning. It is generally interpreted as a "cognitive war" intended to launch a "cognitive war" with China.

China immediately cited the Masting incident on the 29th, condemning the frequency of American wars' activities in the Chinese waters by more than 20%compared with the same period last year, and the frequency of reconnaissance machines exceeded 40%, and urged the United States to strictly restrain the front -line troops.

The Liaoning ship was sent to the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea Training at the beginning of last month

Zhu Feng, dean of the Institute of International Relations of Nanjing University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the training of the Shandong ship showed that China can only adopt the practice of improving the naval construction to show the problem of defending the sovereignty and marine rights and interests of the South China Island Reef.On the top, it will not succumb to the US military and diplomatic pressure.

He pointed out that the South China Sea is the international waters, not only the surrounding coastal countries, but also the most important business and strategic maritime channel connecting the Pacific and the Indian Ocean.Multi -country high -profile involvement in military and diplomacy has been increasing in the South China Sea affairs, reflecting that the geopolitical competition in the sea is very complicated.

Zhu Feng believes that the frequency of interaction between China and the United States has continued to increase in China in recent years. The Bayeng government should start military dialogue and communication with China as soon as possible to effectively enhance the crisis management and control capabilities of the two countries in the South China Sea.This is the biggest test of the US -China relations during the term of Biden.

In addition to the Shandong ship, China also sent the Liaoning ship to conduct training in the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea early last month.The Ministry of Defense of Japan pointed out on the 26th that the Liaoning ship has traveled to the East China Sea China, which means that China is launching a "double aircraft carrier tour" in the east and south seas.

Some analysts believe that the advantages of the Chinese Navy's "double aircraft carriers" are beginning to appear, which can normalize the continuous training of large surface ships formation.

Zhu Feng believes that China has sent two aircraft carriers, reflecting China's strong concerns about the Taiwan Strait and the South China Maritime Army, which shows that Beijing can only take tit -tat tat a measures after issuing warnings to the United States.

James Char, assistant researcher at the Nanyang University of Science and Technology Rajerhanan International Research Institute in Singapore, analyzed that in the context of promoting the construction of a marine power and the "double ocean" strategy in China, this time in the Doubles of the East China Sea and the South China SeaDeployment is "natural development".The PLA's activities in these two sea areas have become more active in recent years, and it is expected to continue to develop in this direction.