The Pentagon is expected that the wreckage of the Chinese Rockets that is falling will fly out of the ground and re -enter the earth atmosphere on Saturday (8th), but American officials said that they cannot predict the falling point of the fragments.

Pentagon spokesman Kobe said on Wednesday that US Secretary of Defense Austin is regularly listening to a report on the trajectory of the Long March 5 Rockets.Last month, the Rockets successfully sent the core cabin of China's first space station- "Tianhe" core compartment into the track.

Kobe said that although the U.S. Space Army Command is monitoring it, the military is currently incomparable to this.

"What situations will cause to return and will have enough information to keep the truth. Kobe said," It's too far away now, we can't speculate that the situation that may happen here. "

The 18th Space Control Squadron of the U.S. Army has updated the rocket location information daily on since this week.

Since last weekend, the height of the Long March 5 B Rocket has dropped by nearly 80 kilometers.According to Space News, an observer of the amateur day found that the fall of the Long March 5 Rockets was not controlled, and the rapid falling speed made it impossible to predict the rocket's final fall.

Macrodor, a celestial physics scientist at the Celestial Physics Center of Harvard University, predicts that the most likely result is that the Rockets will be transferred to the sea because the ocean covers the area of about 71 % of the earth.

But he said that if some fragments of the Rockets were destroyed by the atmosphere during the fall, it may be equivalent to "the small plane crashed, and the wreckage was within the range of 100 miles (about 161 kilometers)."

However, the Chinese official media has pointed out today that "Western media's report on the" threat of the "Long March 5 Rocket Barrone Wreckage" report is a cliché. "It also said that Western media had almost the same" concerns "last year.Essence

The Global Times said that in fact, the problem of returning to the return at the atmospheric layer of the Long March 5 B Rockets has explained many times.

The report quoted Dr. Xing Qiang, a Chinese aerospace expert, said that the rocket itself is "thin skin stuffing". After the internal fuel is consumed during the launch, the quality of the remaining rocket shells is not large, and the aluminum alloy is mainly based on aluminum alloy.The shell is easily burned in the atmosphere.Therefore, compared with space stations or large satellites, the rocket wreckage is very likely to cause harm to the ground.At the same time, its flight trajectory is not the "uncontrollable" reported by the media, but after precision calculation, and using rocket passivation technology, it intentionally shortens the flight time.

Report also quoted the Beijing Aerospace City New Media Center and pointed out. "Although the Rockets have completed the task after the separation of the arrow, the promotion agent, high -voltage gas, and batteries on the arrow have not been used. These things may cause the Rockets to explode at any time., Turning into space garbage, threatening the safety of navigable skyrs. Including China, the world's responsible aerospace powers will passion for the end of the Rockets., Let the battery take a short circuit itself, completely eliminate the end -level 'self -explosion' danger of the Rockets. At the same time, in order not to occupy valuable rail resources, the Rockets may also perform 'departure' mobility before passivation and transfer to the abandoned track. "

"From the first artificial satellite of human beings to the present, for more than 60 years, any cases of rocket wreckage or space garbage around the earth have never occurred."